Alexandru Vornicescu & Rodrigo Primo:
Yeah it’s possible, look, you only need to edit db-config.php
the db.php class shouldn’t be modified. Is marked as solved because i solved it days before.
I will use spanish because i’m mexican and i wrote it previously in spanish (now i’m usin copy-paste), use a traslator if required.
I made it while doing scholar practices at a newspaper factory, they use WordPress and were required to split databse because there were a huge DB (4GB DB size)
This is an example from a distributed database wich has 3 DB, but you can do more.
1DB for all wp-tables except posts
2DB just for posts. (
2. database “B” will have tables for posts up to ID 1000
3. database “C” will have tables for posts form ID 1000 to 2000
This is just an example, adapt it to yur case (sorry my bad english)
* Considere que ‘wp-develop’ es la BD maestra, la BD ‘wp-develop1’ y ‘wp-develop2’
* contienen los posts pero en fragmentos.
* Base de datos principal (no posts)
'host' => DB_HOST,
'user' => DB_USER,
'password' => DB_PASSWORD,
'name' => DB_NAME,
/*'dataset' => 'global',*/
* Base de datos para posts que impide escritura y
* no prioriza lectura (posts de a?os o semestres anteriores)
* Es posible partir ésta BD aun en más.
'host' => DB_HOST,
'user' => DB_USER,
'password' => DB_PASSWORD,
'name' => 'wp-develop2',
'write' => 0,
'read' => 3,
'dataset' => 'news',
* Base de datos para posts a escribir/leer, máxima prioridad
* en escritura/lectura (a?o actual o semestre actual)
'host' => DB_HOST,
'user' => DB_USER,
'password' => DB_PASSWORD,
'name' => 'wp-develop3',
'dataset' => 'news',
* Reconoce tablas “separadas” de la B.D. y las integra
* En ‘News’ dataset, donde news son los posts.
$wpdb->add_table('news', 'wp_posts');
$wpdb->add_table('news', 'wp_postmeta');
If u have questions feel free to posts them, i’ll help you. Greetings