Upon viewing the Manage Themes area, we see this:
Warning: uksort() [function.uksort]: The argument should be an array in /data/19/1/56/51/1871703/user/2033523/htdocs/www/wp-admin/themes.php on line 65
Warning: array_slice() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /data/19/1/56/51/1871703/user/2033523/htdocs/www/wp-admin/themes.php on line 86
Warning: array_keys() [function.array-keys]: The first argument should be an array in /data/19/1/56/51/1871703/user/2033523/htdocs/www/wp-admin/themes.php on line 174
Warning: natcasesort() [function.natcasesort]: The argument should be an array in /data/19/1/56/51/1871703/user/2033523/htdocs/www/wp-admin/themes.php on line 175
What do you suggest please?