• Having trouble figuring out what the issue is with this error. Can someone help me?

    [ Moderator note: code fixed. Please wrap code in the backtick character or use the code button. ]

    * Footer actions
    * @package      Customizr
    * @subpackage   classes
    * @since        3.0
    * @author       Nicolas GUILLAUME <[email protected]>
    * @copyright    Copyright (c) 2013, Nicolas GUILLAUME
    * @link         https://themesandco.com/customizr
    * @license      https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
    class TC_footer_main {
        //Access any method or var of the class with classname::$instance -> var or method():
        static $instance;
        function __construct () {
            self::$instance =& $this;
            //html > footer actions
            add_action ( '__after_main_wrapper'		, 'get_footer');
            //footer actions
            add_action ( '__footer'					, array( $this , 'tc_widgets_footer' ), 10 );
            add_action ( '__footer'					, array( $this , 'tc_colophon_display' ), 20 );
            add_action ( '__colophon'				, array( $this , 'tc_colophon_left_block' ), 10 );
            add_action ( '__colophon'				, array( $this , 'tc_colophon_center_block' ), 20 );
            add_action ( '__colophon'				, array( $this , 'tc_colophon_right_block' ), 30 );
    	 * Displays the footer widgets areas
    	 * @package Customizr
    	 * @since Customizr 3.0.10
        function tc_widgets_footer() {
        	//checks if there's at least one active widget area in footer.php.php
        	$status 					= false;
        	$footer_widgets 			= apply_filters( 'tc_footer_widgets', TC_init::$instance -> footer_widgets );
        	foreach ( $footer_widgets as $key => $area ) {
        		$status = is_active_sidebar( $key ) ? true : $status;
    		if ( !$status )
    		//hack to render white color icons if skin is grey
    		$skin_class 	= ( 'grey.css' == tc__f('__get_option' , 'tc_skin') ) ? 'white-icons' : '';
    			<div class="container footer-widgets <?php echo $skin_class ?>">
    				<div class="row widget-area" role="complementary">
    					<?php foreach ( $footer_widgets as $key => $area )  : ?>
    						<?php if ( is_active_sidebar( $key ) ) : ?>
    							<div id="<?php echo $key; ?>" class="<?php echo apply_filters( $key . '_widget_class', 'span4' ) ?>">
    								<?php dynamic_sidebar( $key ); ?>
    						<?php endif; ?>
    					<?php endforeach; ?>
    				</div><!-- .row.widget-area -->
    			</div><!--.footer-widgets -->
    		$html = ob_get_contents();
            if ($html) ob_end_clean();
            echo apply_filters( 'tc_widgets_footer', $html );
    	}//end of function
    	 * Displays the colophon (block below the widgets areas).
    	 * @package Customizr
    	 * @since Customizr 3.0.10
        function tc_colophon_display() {
        	<?php ob_start() ?>
    		 <div class="colophon">
    		 	<div class="container">
    		 		<div class="<?php echo apply_filters( 'tc_colophon_class', 'row-fluid' ) ?>">
    					    //colophon blocks actions priorities
    					    //renders blocks
    					    do_action( '__colophon' );
          			</div><!-- .row-fluid -->
          		</div><!-- .container -->
          	</div><!-- .colophon -->
        	$html = ob_get_contents();
            if ($html) ob_end_clean();
            echo apply_filters( 'tc_colophon_display', $html );
    	 * Displays the social networks block in the footer
    	 * @package Customizr
    	 * @since Customizr 3.0.10
        function tc_colophon_left_block() {
          	echo apply_filters(
          		sprintf('<div class="%1$s">%2$s</div>',
          			apply_filters( 'tc_colophon_left_block_class', 'span4 social-block pull-left' ),
          			0 != tc__f( '__get_option', 'tc_social_in_footer') ? tc__f( '__get_socials' ) : ''
    	 * Footer Credits call back functions
    	 * Can be filtered using the $site_credits, $tc_credits parameters
    	 * @package Customizr
    	 * @since Customizr 3.0.6
        function tc_colophon_center_block() {
        	echo apply_filters(
        		sprintf('<div class="%1$s">%2$s</div>',
    	    		apply_filters( 'tc_colophon_center_block_class', 'span4 credits' ),
    	    		sprintf( '<p> · ? %1$s <a href="%2$s" title="%3$s" rel="bookmark">%3$s</a> · Designed by %4$s ·</p>',
    					    esc_attr( date( 'Y' ) ),
    					    esc_url( home_url() ),
    					    '<a href="'.TC_WEBSITE.'">Themes & Co</a>'
    	 * Displays the back to top block
    	 * @package Customizr
    	 * @since Customizr 3.0.10
    	function tc_colophon_right_block() {
        	echo apply_filters(
        		sprintf('<div class="%1$s"><p class="pull-right"><a href="#">%2$s</a></p></div>',
        			apply_filters( 'tc_colophon_right_block_class', 'span4 backtop' ),
        			__( 'Back to top' , 'customizr' )
     }//end of class
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