• Working on my PHP File and now I get this message.

    “Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘<‘, expecting T_FUNCTION in /home/content/18/9029618/html/wp-content/themes/NewBusiness/includes/aboutus.php on line 8”

    Have no idea what is wrong and now my site is down. Need help ASAP. Here is the code below.


    new Themater_AboutUs();

    class Themater_AboutUs
    var $theme;

    var $defaults = array(
    ‘enabled’ => ‘true’,
    ‘hook’ => ‘main_before’,
    ‘title’ => ‘Welcome to our website. Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum dolor.’,
    ‘image’ => ‘about-image.jpg’,
    ‘content’ => ‘Lorem ipsum eu usu assum liberavisse, ut munere praesent complectitur mea. Sit an option maiorum principes. Ne per probo magna idque, est veniam exerci appareat no. Sit at amet propriae intellegebat, natum iusto forensibus duo ut. Pro hinc aperiri fabulas ut, probo tractatos euripidis an vis, ignota oblique.

    Ad ius munere soluta deterruisset, quot veri id vim, te vel bonorum ornatus persequeris. Maecenas ornare tortor. Donec sed tellus eget sapien fringilla nonummy. Mauris a ante. Suspendisse quam sem, consequat at, commodo vitae, feugiat in, nunc. Morbi imperdiet augue quis tellus.’

    function Themater_AboutUs()
    global $theme;
    $this->theme = $theme;

    if(is_array($this->theme->options[‘plugins_options’][‘aboutus’]) ) {
    $this->defaults = array_merge($this->defaults, $this->theme->options[‘plugins_options’][‘aboutus’]);

    if($this->theme->display(‘aboutus_enabled’) ) {
    $this->theme->add_hook($this->defaults[‘hook’], array(&$this, ‘display_aboutus’));

    if($this->theme->is_admin_user()) {

    function display_aboutus()
    if(is_home()) {
    ?><div class=”span-24 aboutusbox”>


    if($this->theme->display(‘aboutus_image’)) {
    echo ‘<img class=”aboutusbox-image” src=”‘ . $this->theme->get_option(‘aboutus_image’) . ‘” />’;

    if($this->theme->display(‘aboutus_title’)) {
    echo ‘<h2 class=”aboutusbox-title”>’ . $this->theme->get_option(‘aboutus_title’) . ‘</h2>’;

    if($this->theme->display(‘aboutus_content’)) {
    echo ‘<div class=”aboutusbox-content”>’ . $this->theme->get_option(‘aboutus_content’) . ‘</div>’;

    function aboutus_options()
    $this->theme->admin_option(array(‘About Us’, 14),
    ‘”About Us” section enabled?’, ‘aboutus_enabled’,
    ‘checkbox’, $this->defaults[‘enabled’],

    $this->theme->admin_option(‘About Us’,
    ‘Title’, ‘aboutus_title’,
    ‘text’, $this->defaults[‘title’]

    $this->theme->admin_option(‘About Us’,
    ‘Image’, ‘aboutus_image’,
    ‘imageupload’, get_bloginfo(‘template_directory’) . “/images/” . $this->defaults[‘image’],
    array(‘help’ => “Enter the full url. Leave it blank if you don’t want to use an image.”)

    $this->theme->admin_option(‘About Us’,
    ‘Content’, ‘aboutus_content’,
    ‘textarea’, $this->defaults[‘content’],
    array(‘style’=>’height: 250px;’)

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  • Just use your functional backup so that you can get your site back online. Then you can go to a sandbox (local, sub-domain, etc.) and play with your files there to test them before making changes to a live site.

    Oh, and please don’t post that much code here, use pastebin (or somewhere else) designed for sharing code/issues.

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