Hi controlb,
Thanks for using my tiny plugin. I hope that it helps you in your daily work as a webmaster/webdeveloper. ??
I’d like to ask you which classes are missing in your menu while using Events Manager categories? Did you mean “current-menu-item”, “current-menu-parent” and “current-menu-ancestor”? These three classes are added to standard menu items “natively” by WordPress and my plugin has nothing to do with it. MAJpage Menu Class Extender adds only first/last/parent/even/odd-menu-item classes operating on finished XML structure so e.g. if menu item has submenu in ul list, it always gets “parent-menu-item” class.
However I installed Events Manager to check its categories behavior in menu and I noticed that there are no “current-menu-item”, “current-menu-parent” and “current-menu-ancestor” classes in it – this is Events Manager plugin problem and if you ask me about these three classes, you have to talk about it with Events Manager plugin’s author.
Tell me if you mean something different and if I didn’t answer your question exactly.
Best wishes!