• Hi!

    Link to the website:


    I want to highlight my parent and grandparent pages, when on a child page. I have two different menus, so the code have to tell for example “products” to be current when it’s grandchild page is active. So the code have to tell both the parent page to be “current” and the child page to be “current2”.
    And I don’t know how. Please help me, I have looked at other posts and found this piece of code :

    function has_parent($post, $post_id) {
      if ($post->ID == $post_id) return true;
      else if ($post->post_parent == 0) return false;
      else return has_parent(get_post($post->post_parent),$post_id);
    <?php global $wp_query; if( has_parent($wp_query->post), 3) :?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    But I don’t know how I’m supposed to write to make it work!
    Thank you in advance

    I have two menus:

    <div id="topNav">
    	<div id="topNav_topShadow"></div>
        <div id="topNav_content">
        	<ul id="menu">
                           <li class="urskog"<?php
                    if (is_page('urskog'))
                    echo " id=\"current\"";
                 <li class="products"<?php
                    echo " id=\"current\"";
                  <li class="press"<?php
                    echo " id=\"current\"";
                 <li class="contact"<?php
                    echo " id=\"current\"";
            <li class="separator">

    My second menu:

    				<li class="mainNav_lov"<?php 
    					if (is_page('lov')) 
    					echo " id=\"current2\"";
    				<li class="mainNav_miniLov"<?php 
    					if (is_page('minilov')) 
    					echo " id=\"current2\"";
    					<a>/products/minilov/walnut">Mini Lov</a>
    				<li class="mainNav_pinne"<?php 
    					if (is_page('pinne')) 
    					echo " id=\"current2\"";
    				<li class="mainNav_pokus"<?php 
    					if (is_page('pokus')) 
    					echo " id=\"current2\"";
    				<li class="mainNav_kil"<?php 
    					if (is_page('kil')) 
    					echo " id=\"current2\"";
    				<li class="mainNav_skate"<?php 
    					if (is_page('skate')) 
    					echo " id=\"current2\"";
    			<li class="mainNav_drivved"<?php 	
    				if (is_page('drivved'))
    				echo " id=\"current2\"";
    				<a href="<?php bloginfo('url') ?>/products/drivved">Drivved</a>
                                    <li class="mainNav_separator">
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