Hi there,
changing the shortcode will not make any difference. Only changing you category hierarchy would do the trick.
Anyways, I am looking at the code that needs to be changed. I′ll implement a solution and publish a new version, but this will take some time. For now I can offer you the following solution;
In the WordPress “Dashboard” go to: “Plugins” – “Editor“.
A prompt will show up, read it and continue.
in the “Edit Plugins” menu, on the right side, there is an option: “Select plugin to edit“. Select the plugin “Show Post Categories” & push “select“.
On the right side select “includes” – “core.php“.
Your page will refresh and line 3 wil show “File: core.php”
Now, go to line 170, it shows:
if($category->parent != 0 ){
change it to;
if($category->parent != 0 && $category->term_id != $parentcat ){
be careful not to change anything else. If you do my plugin will not work and you will need to reinstall it to get it working again.
Now, confirm the change by selecting “update file” at the bottom.
If all goes well, you will not see a message like “Unable to communicate back with site to check for fatal errors..” If it does you will need to change the config using FTP.
Once completed it will no longer show “genre”.
Please try this solution and let me know if it helped.