• Hello, I stumbled on this amazing plug-in today and it is nearly exactly what I want. Nearly, because it inserts <p> tags where I think it shouldn’t.

    My scenario:


    De 'Slag om Zoutkamp' is in [timed-content-server hide="09/19/2016 00:00 Europe/Amsterdam"]2007 en 2011[/timed-content-server][timed-content-server show="09/19/2016 00:00 Europe/Amsterdam"]2007, 2011 en 2016[/timed-content-server] groots nagespeeld in Zoutkamp. [timed-content-server hide="09/19/2016 00:00 Europe/Amsterdam"]In september 2016 staat de volgende uitvoering gepland. [/timed-content-server]Zie hiervoor www.slagomzoutkamp.nl.


    <p>De ‘Slag om Zoutkamp’ is in </p>
    <p>2007 en 2011</p>
    groots nagespeeld in Zoutkamp.
    <p>In september 2016 staat de volgende uitvoering gepland. </p>
    Zie hiervoor
    <a href="https://www.slagomzoutkamp.nl">www.slagomzoutkamp.nl</a>

    (pardon my Dutch) As you can see there are paragraphs around the text-strings I used. This is not helpful at all for me because a paragraph is a line-break and I want to use this in-line.

    Is this fixable? Without manually changing a file that will be overwritten by an update later?



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  • Plugin Contributor K. Tough


    Hi, Daan Oostindi?n.

    You could try adding something like this to your theme’s functions.php file. This will remove wpatuop from the timed_content_filter and will only apply to content wrapped by the shortcode.

    // Override timed_content_filter
    function override_timed_content_filter( $the_filter ) {
    	// $the_filter contains the string 'timed_content_filter'
    	// which is the default filter for timed content.
    	// You could perform some conditional logic to decide which
    	// filter to use, change the 'timed_content_filter' filter,
    	// or define a new filter of your own.  Whatever you do,
    	// this function needs to return the name of a filter.
    	remove_filter( "timed_content_filter", "wpautop" );
    	return "timed_content_filter";
    add_filter("timed_content_filter_override", "override_timed_content_filter", 10, 2 );
    Thread Starter Daan Oostindi?n


    Thanks! Works like a charm!

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