• efhache


    Hello everyone,

    I have a wordpress installation, with no active plugin. I’m using the ‘triangulate’ theme (built with blocks) and the gutenburg editor.

    On one of the pages, I want to display posts from 2 separate categories. To do this, I’ve used the ‘querry loop’ block. It displays the posts correctly, but I’ve had to add the pagination.

    The pagination correctly displays the number of pages and links (I tested this by reducing the number of posts displayed and the number of pages evolves in line with the number of posts displayed and those created).

    on the other hand, if each page number or arrow has a link of the type ‘https:////?query-28-page=2’ and are all different (page 3 has ‘3’ etc.) But if I click on a page number or arrow, the page reloads and always displays only the first 3 posts.

    This is what is displayed in ‘code editor’ mode :

    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>juste une test page, sorte de sandbox</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

    <!-- wp:query {"queryId":28,"query":{"perPage":"3","pages":0,"offset":0,"postType":"post","order":"desc","orderBy":"date","author":"","search":"","exclude":[],"sticky":"","inherit":false,"taxQuery":{"category":[42,29,25]}},"metadata":{"categories":["posts"],"patternName":"core/query-small-posts","name":"Petite image et titre"}} -->
    <div class="wp-block-query"><!-- wp:post-template -->
    <!-- wp:columns {"verticalAlignment":null} -->
    <div class="wp-block-columns"><!-- wp:column {"verticalAlignment":"center","width":"25%"} -->
    <div class="wp-block-column is-vertically-aligned-center" style="flex-basis:25%"><!-- wp:post-featured-image {"isLink":true,"aspectRatio":"4/3","height":"120px"} /--></div>
    <!-- /wp:column -->

    <!-- wp:column {"verticalAlignment":"center","width":"75%"} -->
    <div class="wp-block-column is-vertically-aligned-center" style="flex-basis:75%"><!-- wp:post-title {"level":3,"isLink":true} /-->

    <!-- wp:post-excerpt {"moreText":"Lire la suite"} /--></div>
    <!-- /wp:column --></div>
    <!-- /wp:columns -->
    <!-- /wp:post-template -->

    <!-- wp:query-pagination {"paginationArrow":"chevron","fontSize":"small","layout":{"type":"flex","justifyContent":"center"}} -->
    <!-- wp:query-pagination-previous {"fontSize":"small","fontFamily":"inter"} /-->

    <!-- wp:query-pagination-numbers {"fontFamily":"inter"} /-->

    <!-- wp:query-pagination-next {"fontSize":"small","fontFamily":"inter"} /-->
    <!-- /wp:query-pagination --></div>
    <!-- /wp:query -->

    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

    Can you tell me what is causing this behaviour? Have I used the pagination block incorrectly?

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  • @efhache

    According to the Triangulate online release:


    The last update for Triangulate was on November 4, 2022. It is compatible with WordPress version 6.1 and PHP version 5.7.

    It’s very likely that this theme is not compatible with the latest WordPress 6.6.x version or could be affected by the PHP version in use.

    You could first try switching the theme to an official WordPress theme, such as Twenty Twenty-Four. After switching, check if the issue persists.

    Thread Starter efhache


    Hello, thank you very much for your reply. As suggested, I’ve just tested with an official theme (twenty-twenty-four) and I have exactly the same issue. So the problem seems to be coming from somewhere else.And my WP version is up to date too.In other words, but in principle it shouldn’t be a source of problems, I’ve used the options (menu on the right in the editor) to resize the blocks and I’ve added a posts excerpt block which works without a problem. :-/


    For this, I recommend checking if there are any related error logs.

    You can check the logs in the following three places for any error messages:

    1. Check the JavaScript Console: After saving the block or changing the content, check the browser’s Console for any error messages.
    2. WordPress Debug Log: By default, this file is located in the wp-content folder within the WordPress installation directory, with the filename debug.log.
    3. Server PHP Logs: When duplicating or saving the block, check the server’s PHP logs to see if there are any error records.

    If the cause of the issue is still unclear, please provide me with the detailed system information for your WordPress site.

    Using the Site Health Tool:

    1. Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
    2. Navigate to Tools > Site Health.
    3. Click on the Info tab.
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