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  • Plugin Author Thomas Townsend


    Looks like the configuration for your Job List Template may be off.
    How you are invoking the “More Details” button is predicated by the short code [job_field length=”200″] in this examples it’s set to “200” characters
    that’s when the more link would appear. Look at that first, I am also not sure how you attached the button link but it would have to go somewhere in that template.

    <th scope=”row”>[job_field_label]</th>
    <td>[job_field length=”200″]</td>

    On another observation – it looks like you may have installed JM more than once and that’s why you see (job-3) you might want consider cleaning up your database.

    Hope this helps.

    Hi there,

    I am also having problems with categories and pagination causing 404 when proceeding to page 2.

    The URL of the category is below:

    Any ideas?



    Plugin Author Thomas Townsend


    normastand – you should also follow the guidance I posted above.

    Hi Thomas

    Thanks for the reply changed my Job List Template back to the defaults. Unfortunately still no joy. Do I need to uninstall the whole plugin including clearing the database?

    Any help would be gratefully received.



    Plugin Author Thomas Townsend


    Martin – I don’t know enough about your issue as you did not provide the requested information other than your URL.

    If the site was recently updated from an older version of Job Manager – then you need to follow the details we outlined in the update suggestions.

    Plugin Author Thomas Townsend


    over a month with no response – marking this thread as Resolved

    Having same problem with a fresh install.. multi-site, job list page ..pagination works fine and is shown full page, when using the category widget the list is not full page, and page 2 retrieves a 404 erros.. my job lists template is:

    <style type ="text/css">
    table, td, th
    word-break: break-all;
    <table class="jobs-table">
      <tr class="heading">
      <th>Job Description</th>
       <th>Apply Now</th>
      <tr class="job[job_title][job_row_number] job[job_id] ">
        <td>[if_job_icon][job_icon]<br />[/if_job_icon] [job_link] [job_title] [/job_link]</td>
        <td>[job_link]More Info[/job_link]</td>
    <td>[job_apply_link]Apply Now[/job_apply_link]</td>
    <td>[job_checkbox] </td>
    [job_apply_multi]Apply To All Checked Jobs[/job_apply_multi] 
    <div class="job-nav">
    	<div class="previous">[job_page_previous_link]Page [job_page_previous_number][/job_page_previous_link]</div>
    	<div class="this">Jobs [job_page_minimum]-[job_page_maximum] of [job_total]</div>
    	<div class="next">[job_page_next_link]Page [job_page_next_number][/job_page_next_link]</div>


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