• Resolved HeyBlondie


    Firstly; I have searched high and low for a solution to the problem I am having (over the last 2-3 weeks), but nothing I have done has been able to get the pagination working for a post displaying a grid of posts. I would include more links in this post (including website in question) but I am limited to posting 2 urls.

    (The theme being used is Divi, by Elegant Themes. ..child theme is being used)

    I have created a CPT and am using Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) to enable a simple admin page for the user to enter details (for each new post). This creates the new post of the CPT.

    Posts that are created with this CPT are automatically listed on this page: 4wdaus.com/travel-blog

    When a post from the Travel Blog page is selected for viewing, it displays an introductory page [post] that displays a grid of all blog posts with the category that is relevant for that page (trip) – not the CPT. It is this page where I would like the pagination, and these are the pages where the problem is.

    The code for creating the CPT is this:

    function major_trips_cpt() {
      $args = array(
        'labels' => array(
            'name'          => 'Major Trips',
            'singular_name' => 'Major Trip',
           'all_items'     => 'All Major Trips',
        'supports'      => array( 'title', 'editor', 'excerpt', 'author', 'thumbnail', 'comments', 'revisions', 'custom-fields' ),
        'menu_position' => 4,
        'show_ui'             => true,
        'show_in_menu'        => true,
        'show_in_admin_bar'   => true,
        'description'   => ( 'New Major Trip Entry'),
        'public'        => true,
        'has_archive'   => true,
        'menu_icon'     => get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/images/fwdaus-icon.png',
        'rewrite'        => array('slug' => '4wdaus-major_trips')
      register_post_type( 'major_trip', $args );
    add_action( 'init', 'major_trips_cpt' );

    ..and for displaying the grid of posts in the custom single.php (in the child theme) is:

       $args = array(
           'post_type' => 'post',
           'posts_per_page' => 6,
           'order' => 'desc',
           'orderby' => 'date',
           'tax_query' => array(
                   'taxonomy' => 'category',
                   'field'    => 'slug',
                   'terms'    => get_field('category_to_display'), // category from the Advanced Custom Field variable
        if ( get_query_var('paged') ) {
            $args['paged'] = get_query_var('paged');
        } elseif ( get_query_var('page') ) {
            $args['paged'] = get_query_var('page');
        } else {
            $args['paged'] = 1;
        $the_query = new WP_Query( $args );
       // Pagination fix
       $temp_query = $wp_query;
        $wp_query   = NULL;
        $wp_query   = $the_query;
     <div id="fwd-blog-grid">
     <?php if ( $the_query->have_posts() ) : ?>
         <?php while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) : $the_query->the_post(); ?>
             <div class="fwd-grid-item">
                 <?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
                 } ?>
                 <h2><a href='<?php the_permalink(); ?>'><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
                 <div class="entry-content">
                     <a href='<?php the_permalink(); ?>'><?php the_excerpt(); ?></a>
         <?php endwhile; ?>
             echo "<div style='clear: both;'>";
                //wp_pagenavi( array( 'query' => $the_query ) );
                echo "<div style='float: left;'>";
                    next_posts_link( '&laquo; Older Posts' );
                echo "</div>";
                echo "<div style='float: right;'>";
                        previous_posts_link( 'Newer Posts &raquo;' );
                    echo "</div>";
             echo "</div>";
             // Reset main query object
             $wp_query = NULL;
             $wp_query = $temp_query;

    This page (amongst many many others I have read) would appear the best resource I can find, but maybe there is something I haven’t understood? How to fix pagination for custom loops?

    Maybe some useful info
    – the page displaying the post grid to be paginated is a Post as opposed to a page (with reference to WP terminology)
    – the grid of posts being displayed (where pagination is not working) are not of the CPT. They are displayed as per the relevant category – an ACF variable
    – when mouse pointer hovers over ‘Older Posts’ link, url is shown with ‘/page/2/’ added, but when clicked, the first initial page is shown
    – if tested, the variable of ‘max_num_pages’ will return a number greater than 1, so there are numerous pages to display
    – I am not able to manually enter the URL with /page/2/ added, in the address bar. Initial page is displayed.
    – if I enter a fixed category for the post grid (as opposed to the ACF variable) it makes no difference, except for displaying a grid of posts of the same category on each page
    – if I enter a number for ‘paged’ in code. eg. ‘$args[‘paged’] = 3′ the third page will actually be displayed
    — with the previously mentioned test, the link for ‘Newer Posts’ is still not displayed. Only ‘Older Posts’ is displayed.

    I realise this is probably a reasonably long post and maybe there are still important details I have not mentioned, but here’s hoping that someone might have some suggestions.


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  • Moderator bcworkz


    I think the only thing missing is this line:
    global $wp_query;

    Without this, the “fix” is not affecting the main query object, it affects a local var that’s not used anywhere else.

    Thread Starter HeyBlondie


    I have actually tried this before but it made no difference. I did however try again and it has made no difference.

    Despite that, I understand the $wp_query to be global by default, as per details on this WP codex page:

    I’m pretty sure that there are details I’m not posting that could be relevant, but I’m not sure of what that could be of course. :/

    I am having issues with bidvertiser.. Can someone create an actual post I can speak on.

    Moderator bcworkz



    Honestly, I have never had much luck trying to use main query pagination on custom queries. There are many little details behind the pagination functions that are difficult to account for. It’s basically a square peg in round hole situation, the two aren’t intended to mesh together, but if you work at it hard enough, you can force a fit.

    I’d recommend handling your own pagination using ‘limit’ and ‘offset’ query arguments. Then have custom pagination functions that output previous and next links that work with your particular situation. I don’t even try to snag the ‘paged’ value from a pretty permalink. My custom pagination functions typically use an URL parameter for the requested page instead of incorporating it into a permalink. Something like example.com/category/foo/?cat-page=3

    Handling pagination yourself sounds ominous, but it’s not all that bad. The only tricky part is determining how many pages total without querying for everything. The ‘no_found_posts’ query argument works well for this. The ‘no’ is for ‘number’, not that no posts were found.

    I don’t know if it’ll help any, but here’s an example of a pagination function for a custom query. It’s the last function on the page, the other functions aren’t related to anything you need to be concerned with. The queries are restricted to posts related to a particular region.

    If you really prefer to use the default WP navigation methods, your best option then is to figure out how to get the default main query do what you want through the ‘pre_get_posts’ option. While the less your custom query deviates from the default query, the better, you can pretty much make any query work between ‘pre_get_posts’ and various SQL filters like ‘posts_where’ in which you can alter the actual SQL WHERE clause used.

    Thread Starter HeyBlondie


    Thanks for your time and input bcworks.

    I’m curious to have a look at your pagination example for a custom query and will see if it’s something I can get to work.

    As an aside, I posted also on StackExchange and one person there suggested that a problem could be that my code is in ‘single-CPT.php’. Does it sound any alarm bells with you?

    If I have any luck with your code, I’ll post again, but it could be a little while.

    Moderator bcworkz


    The SE respondent is suggesting that there may be a template file named single-major_trip.php in your theme’s folder that you should be looking at to setup the pagination.

    They do have a point. I assumed you knew which template is the correct one to edit, but editing single.php doesn’t make a lot of sense from the point of view of a typical WP setup. However, there’s all sorts of ways to alter typical WP behavior, so using single.php may be fine. It does appear that everything is working properly except pagination.

    It can be tricky sometimes to know which template is being used on any particular page view. A quick verification is to place the prospective template’s file name in a HTML comment at the top of the page. When you view the page source in your browser, the comment should be easy to find due to syntax highlightng. There are a few plugins available that more formally help with template identification.

    Regardless of what template is being used, you still have the challenge of getting pagination to work with custom queries. But it certainly won’t work if you’re on the wrong template ?? Lots of people have managed to get pagination to work on custom queries by playing games with the main query. Many others have had heaps of trouble. I personally don’t like trying to force something out of a scheme that was not intended for the purpose, I’d rather approach the problem head on, which is why I suggested custom pagination code completely outside the main query.

    I had intended my code to be a mere example. It occurred to me that to actually have it work, you need to see how the query is setup as well. The query setup is something like this:

    if ( !isset( $_GET['region_search'])) $_GET['region_search'] = 'all';
    if ( isset( $_GET['region_page'])) $s_page = $_GET['region_page'];
       else $s_page = 1;
    $search = sanitize_text_field( $_GET['region_search']);
    $pppage = 6;
    $args = array(
       's' => $search,
       'category_name' => $region,
       'posts_per_page'=> $pppage,
       'offset'=> ( $s_page - 1) * $pppage,
    if ( 1 != $s_page ) {
       $args['ignore_sticky_posts'] = true; // stickies only on 1st page
       $args['post__not_in'] = get_option('sticky_posts');
    $the_query = new WP_Query( $args );
    // The Loop etc. goes here...
    tg_custom_query_nav( $args );

    If this kind of approach appeals to you, take your time to absorb how everything works. It’s better to really understand it than to just paste it into your code base and hope it works. Good luck!

    Thread Starter HeyBlondie


    I’m thinking you may have misunderstood a little? I can understand that it could be a little confusing to follow though …

    I haven’t so much edited ‘single.php’, but have edited a copy of it (in my child directory) and called it ‘single-major_trip.php’ …as per most instructions I have read on the topic. This is where the pagination is, and this is the bit that isn’t working.

    I am using a plugin called ‘What The File’ which shows which files/pages were loaded to get to the page that is currently being viewed. (pretty handy actually).

    I do like your idea of creating custom pagination, but I’m going to have to study this a bit and work through it.

    Thanks for your suggestions and examples of code.

    Moderator bcworkz


    I think I and the SE respondent were thrown off by the title of this topic, we took “custom single.php” as a modified version of your theme’s single.php, but still named single.php. Renaming it as you did is correct and I was correct in assuming you knew which template to edit, even if I had the name wrong.

    Now that we’ve established you know where you are, back to getting pagination to work. How the default pagination works with the main query is confusing and it’s difficult to force it to accommodate custom queries. I really believe people are better off writing their own code to manage pagination. By doing so you are more likely to fully understand everything going on and any debugging will thus be easier.

    Pagination is basically just calculating the required offset into the query for any given page. Everything else is dealing with end conditions and passing parameters. While you could probably adapt my code to work with your query, if you’re up for it, I’d suggest you try to work out your own pagination code. Use my example only as a general guide to refer to if you get stuck on how to do something. It may take some doing to work through it, but you’ll be better off in the long run.

    Thread Starter HeyBlondie


    Ok cool. Well it’s good to know that I’ve been in the right place at least.

    From what you say, and from what I’ve been experiencing, it does seem like the best option is for me to write my own pagination code. And while I don’t particularly want to have to do it, I agree that it will certainly give me a better understanding of how things work …not to mention, actually being able to get it to work, full stop.

    I’m going to have to sort out how I get this achieved. Thanks again for all your input.

    Thread Starter HeyBlondie


    Hi bcworks. ….I actually have some progress to report.

    While reading through WP codex for pagination it suggested to reset permalinks to default, so I set it to plain (from ‘Post name’) and the pagination actually does work!! So the issue lays somehow with my URL/permalink structure.

    I’m not sure where to start, but at least it gives me a better idea of where I should be looking. Any thoughts you have in this area, if you have time, would again be greatly appreciated.

    Moderator bcworkz


    Not using “pretty” permalinks changes the entire situation. All query vars are well defined and unambiguous. Once permalinks are made pretty, the URL fragments become ambiguous so pagination code needs to be more robust to make up for it.

    Unless you are seriously considering staying with plain links, your discovery doesn’t help much. The two schemes are pretty much completely different systems and what works for one doesn’t work for the other. It’s very useful to lock down what permastruct you want to use because it eliminates having to deal with a number of various schemes. Only addressing one scheme simplifies things a great deal.

    The approach I suggested works completely outside the permalink scheme by passing a custom page number URL parameter instead of trying to incorporate it into a pretty permalink. It works well for custom queries, not so well for regular queries. Regular queries have pagination template tags that work fine, but custom queries do not.

    Thread Starter HeyBlondie


    Hmmm, I don’t really understand why this should be so complicated, but so be it. There does seem to be plenty of other people that have had this issue, but that was before an upgrade in WP that should have rectified part of the problem.

    Surely this would merely indicate that 1) my code is, in principle, functional and working fine and 2) the error lies in the way the URL/permalink is referenced, or used. My first thought is that there should be something I can do to change the permalink/url structure to enable it to work?

    I understand that your suggestion would bypass this, which is all well and good and thorough, but I am under time pressure (and don’t have so much time to spend on coding at the moment) and need to find a solution asap.

    This has become unnecessarily frustrating for me.

    When I get a chance though, I will again review the code samples you have sent, and see if I can work through it to a working example. Will of course post here if I find a solution.

    thanks again

    Moderator bcworkz


    @fantymela – please start your own topic. You should specify what you are trying to do with pre-parse rewrites and what about them you need help with.

    HeyBlondie – I’m sorry this seems complicated. You’re probably right, it shouldn’t be, but here we are. I’m unaware of any changes due to recent WP upgrades that address custom query pagination. Yes, your code is fine and works properly – except for pagination. There’s not really any error, it’s more like there is a difference between how you want WP to work and how it actually works. There is something you can do with URLs to make it work properly — revert to plain links. If you want to use pretty permalinks, then you’re going to need some custom code that goes with a custom query.

    The other alternate is get the default main query to return what you are getting out of your custom query. Looking at your custom query, I think this is very doable. Then you can use the usual pagination template tags and all should be fine. Of course, you would essentially be trading one block of custom code for a different block of custom code. Figuring out something new while under a deadline is far from optimal. If you need this done yesterday, consider hiring someone from somewhere like jobs.wordpress.net. If you find the right person, the required custom code could be knocked out fairly quickly for a reasonable fee. That is a big IF though. Hiring people to do things can be a great way to go, or it can be a total nightmare. You may end up trading one set of problems for a different set.

    FYI, altering the main default query is done through the ‘pre_get_posts‘ action. You’d essentially set each query var to the same value as you set custom query arguments. Some query vars that you are not overwriting may need to be set to default to remove remnants of the original query, the only thing you want coming through from the original query is the query vars related to pagination.

    I’ve been focused on a pagination solution since that was your initial question and I happened to have a related example I could share. All things considered though, I would recommend going with altering the main query. You’ll need to decide if that’s something you can manage or not. Unfortunately, I don’t have a good example to show you. The linked article has some simple examples, you’d just need to set more query vars to accomplish your goal.

    The crux of using ‘pre_get_posts’ is determining when the query is one you need to alter. Nearly all queries go through this action, you don’t want to be changing query vars for a nav menu query!

    Thread Starter HeyBlondie


    I appreciate what you say and yes, the situation is what it is, and I need to find what my best solution is.

    thanks for the other suggestions too. I will have a look.

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