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  • are you referring to breaking a page into (several) sections as described in ?

    Thread Starter kostas5001


    yes but i didn’t undesrand this that is writing can you give a code or something?

    if you have problems adding <!--nextpage--> into the corresponding location into your page’ content, you can use this plugin to add a ‘nextpage’ button the the page editor –

    and in your theme’s page.php (or whatever template part gets called by that), make sure to have this code, possible somewhere close after the line with the_content():

    <?php wp_link_pages(); ?>

    what theme are you using?

    Thread Starter kostas5001


    i can put it but it doen’t show for e.g. pages: 1,2,3
    only its hiding the next thing after <–nextpage–>

    but it doen’t show for e.g. pages: 1,2,3

    this might be caused by your theme’s template file page.php;

    what theme are you using?

    what is the full code of page.php?

    Thread Starter kostas5001


    I am using a theme with name Valenti

    page.php file:

    $cb_page_id = get_the_ID();
    $cb_breadcrumbs = ot_get_option(‘cb_breadcrumbs’, ‘on’);
    $cb_theme_style = ot_get_option(‘cb_theme_style’, ‘cb_boxed’);
    $cb_page_base_color = get_post_meta($cb_page_id , ‘cb_overall_color_post’, true );
    $cb_page_featured_style = get_post_meta( $cb_page_id, ‘cb_page_featured_style’, true );
    $cb_page_comments = get_post_meta( $cb_page_id, ‘cb_page_comments’, ‘off’ );

    if ( ( $cb_page_base_color == ‘#’ ) || ( $cb_page_base_color == NULL ) ) {
    $cb_page_base_color = ot_get_option(‘cb_base_color’, ‘#eb9812’);

    if ( ( class_exists(‘Woocommerce’) ) && ( ( is_cart() == true ) || ( is_checkout() == true ) || ( is_order_received_page() == true ) || ( is_account_page() == true ) ) ) {
    $cb_page_base_color = ot_get_option(‘cb_woocommerce_global_color’, ‘#eb9812’);

    if ( ( $cb_page_featured_style == NULL ) || ( $cb_page_featured_style == ‘4’ ) || ( $cb_page_featured_style == ‘5’ ) ) {
    echo cb_featured_image( $post, ‘page’ );

    <div id=”cb-content” class=”wrap clearfix”>

    <div class=”cb-cat-header” style=”border-bottom-color:<?php echo $cb_page_base_color; ?>;”>

    <h1 id=”cb-cat-title” ><?php echo the_title(); ?></h1>


    <?php if ( $cb_breadcrumbs != ‘off’ ) { echo cb_breadcrumbs(); } ?>

    if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post();

    if ( $cb_page_featured_style == ‘2’ ) {
    echo cb_featured_image( $post, ‘page’ );

    <div id=”main” class=”entry-content clearfix” role=”main”>

    if ( ( $cb_page_featured_style == NULL ) || ( $cb_page_featured_style == ‘1’ )) {
    echo cb_featured_image( $post, ‘page’ );

    <article id=”post-<?php the_ID(); ?>” <?php post_class(‘clearfix’); ?> role=”article” itemscope itemtype=””&gt;

    <section class=”entry-content clearfix” itemprop=”articleBody”>
    <?php the_content(); ?>
    <?php wp_link_pages(); ?>
    </section> <!– end article section –>

    <footer class=”article-footer”>

    <?php the_tags(‘<p class=”cb-tags”><span class=”tags-title”>’ . __(‘Tags:’, ‘cubell’) . ‘</span> ‘, ”, ‘</p>’); ?>
    <?php if ( $cb_page_comments == ‘on’ ) { comments_template(); } ?>

    </footer> <!– end article footer –>

    <?php ?>

    </article> <!– end article –>

    <?php endwhile; endif; ?>

    </div> <!– end #main –>

    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>

    </div> <!– end #cb-content –>

    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    the neccesary code exists in your template:
    <?php wp_link_pages(); ?>

    why it does not show, might depend on other causes like formatting and/or interaction with plugins etc.

    it will be the best to contact the theme’s developer for help with your question;

    as you are using a commercial theme, this forum here cannot really help in much detail;

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