• Resolved ominem


    Hi, I have a Pod that I load from a shortcode with this code:

    $params = array(
    ? 'limit' => 10,
    $innovators = pods( 'innovator' );
    if ( 0 < $innovators->total() ){
    ? $html = "";
    ? while($innovators->fetch()){
    ? ? ?$url = $innovators->field('permalink');
    ? ? ?$picture = $innovators->field('picture_innovators._img.full');
    ? ? ?$name = $innovators->field('post_title');
    ? ? ?$org_practice = $innovators->field('org_practice_innovators');
    ? ? ?$country = $innovators->field('country_innovators');
    ? ? ?$website_temp = $innovators->field('website_innovators');
    ? ? ?...
    $html .= "<div class='innovator-single'>";
    ? ? ?$html .= ? ? ? ?"<div class='innovator_container'>";
    ? ? ?$html .= ? ? ? ? ? ?$picture;
    ? ? ?$html .= ? ? ? ? ? ?"<div class='innovator-single-text'>";
    ? ? ?$html .= ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?"<h6 class='text-center fliara_purple'>$name</h6>";
    ? ? ?$html .= ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?"<h6 class='text-center font_playfair text_black'>$org_practice</h6>";
    ? ? ?$html .= ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?"<h6 class='text-center font_playfair text_black fw_normal'>$country</h6>";
    ? ? ?$html .= ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?"<p class='text-center fliara_purple'>$website</p>";
    ?$html .= ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?"<a class='single-innovator-link classic-button' href='$url' target='_blank'>Learn more</a>";
    ? ? ?$html .= ? ? ? ? ? ?"</div>"; //innovator-single-text
    $html .= ? ? ? ?"</div>"; //establecimiento_container
    $html .= "</div>"; //establecimiento-tipo-single

    ? }
    ? $html .= $innovators->pagination( array( 'type' => 'advanced' ) );
    ? ? $html = "<p>There are currently no innovators registered on our website.</p>";

    In the same page I have a filter and run and AJAX to bring only the Pods with the filters values

    jQuery("#filter-go").on("click", function(){
    ? ? var country = jQuery("#find-country").val();
    ? ? var sustainability = jQuery("#find-sustainability-dimension").val();
    ? ? var area = jQuery("#find-area").val();
    ? ? var ruralContext = jQuery("#find-rural-context").val();
    ? ? if( (country.length == 0) && (sustainability.length == 0) && (area.length == 0) && (ruralContext.length == 0) ) {
    ? ? ? jQuery(".innovators-filters-messages").html("<div class='alert-danger mt-10'>You must select at least one filter.</div>");
    ? ? ?}else{
    ? ? ? ? jQuery(this).prop('disabled',true).addClass('btn-disabled');
    ? ? ? ? jQuery("#filter-reset").prop('disabled',true).addClass('btn-disabled');
    ? ? ? ? jQuery(".loading-overlay").css({ "opacity": "1", "z-index": "999" });
    ? ? ? ? jQuery(".innovators-filters-messages").html("");
    ? ? ? ? var formItemsData = new FormData();
    ? ? ? ? formItemsData.append('country', country);
    ? ? ? ? formItemsData.append('sustainability', sustainability);
    ? ? ? ? formItemsData.append('area', area);
    ? ? ? ? formItemsData.append('ruralContext', ruralContext);
    ? ? ? ? formItemsData.append('action', 'getInnovators');
    ? ? ? ? formItemsData.append('nonce', ajax_object.nonce);
    ? ? ? ? jQuery.ajax({
    ? ? ? ? ? ?type: 'POST',
    ? ? ? ? ? ?url: ajax_object.url,
    ? ? ? ? ? contentType: false,
    ? ? ? ? ? ?processData:false,
    ? ? ? ? ? ?data: formItemsData,
    ? ? ? ? ? ?success: function (response) {
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? jQuery("#innovators-all-main-container .dynamic_container").html(response);
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? jQuery("#filter-go").removeAttr('disabled').removeClass('btn-disabled');
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? jQuery("#filter-reset").removeAttr('disabled').removeClass('btn-disabled');
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? jQuery(".loading-overlay").css({ "opacity": "0", "z-index": "-1" });
    ? ? ? ? ? ?},
    ? ? ? ? ? ?error: function (response) {
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? console.log("response: "+response);
    ? ? ? ? ? ?}
    ? ? ? ? });
    ? ? }

    In the backend I filter the Pods with this code:

    if (isset($_POST['action'])) {
    ? ? if ($_POST['action'] == 'getInnovators') {
    ? ? ? ? add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_getInnovators', 'filter_innovators' );
    ? ? ? ? add_action('wp_ajax_getInnovators', 'filter_innovators');
    ? ? }

    function filter_innovators(){
    ? ? $nonce = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['nonce'] );
    ? ? if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'innovators-nonce' ) ) {
    ? ? ? ? die ( 'No, no, no!');
    ? ? }
    ? ? $country = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['country'] );
    ? ? $sustainability = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['sustainability'] );
    ? ? $area = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['area'] );
    ? ? $ruraContext = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['ruralContext'] );
    ? ? $where = "";
    ? ? $queryvars = array(
    ? ? ? ? array(
    ? ? ? ? ? ? 'data' => $country,
    ? ? ? ? ? ? 'data_field' => 'country_innovators.meta_value',
    ? ? ? ? ),
    ? ? ? ? array(
    ? ? ? ? ? ? 'data' => $sustainability,
    ? ? ? ? ? ? 'data_field' => 'sustainability_innovators.meta_value',
    ? ? ? ? ),
    ? ? ? ? array(
    ? ? ? ? ? ? 'data' => $area,
    ? ? ? ? ? ? 'data_field' => 'area_innovators.meta_value',
    ? ? ? ? ),
    ? ? ? ? array(
    ? ? ? ? ? ? 'data' => $ruraContext,
    ? ? ? ? ? ? 'data_field' => 'rural_context_innovators.meta_value',
    ? ? ? ? ),
    ? ? );
    ? ? $count = 0;
    ? ? for($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++ ){
    ? ? ? ? if( !empty($queryvars[$i]['data']) && $count == 0){
    ? ? ? ? ? ? $field = $queryvars[$i]['data_field'];
    ? ? ? ? ? ? $data = $queryvars[$i]['data'];
    ? ? ? ? ? ? $where = "$field = '$data'";
    ? ? ? ? ? ? $count++;
    ? ? ? ? } else if( !empty($queryvars[$i]['data']) && $count != 0){
    ? ? ? ? ? ? $field = $queryvars[$i]['data_field'];
    ? ? ? ? ? ? $data = $queryvars[$i]['data'];
    ? ? ? ? ? ? $where .= " AND $field = '$data'";
    ? ? ? ? }
    ? ? }
    ? ? $params = array(
    ? ? ? ? 'limit' => 10,
    ? ? ? ? 'where' => $where,
    ? ? );

    and then repeat the same code from the 1st part when the page loads.

    My problem is that originally the pagination works great but when I filter, the pagination links have wrong urls. At first the links are:
    and with the ajax filtering the pagination loads correctly the amount of pages but urls are:
    But even when I manually type in the correct url it loads all the original items as if the filtering had never been done and the pagination shows the total amount of pages instead of only the amount of pages for the filtered pods.

    Is there another way to do AJAX filtering with pagination for PODS?

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Plugin Support Paul Clark


    Add a setting for base to the pagination configuration array.

    The default value, 'base' => "{$url}{$append}%_%", evaluates to the current page URL, followed by either a ? or a &, followed by %_%, which is a placeholder.

    So changing this line:

    $html .= $innovators->pagination( array( 'type' => 'advanced' ) );


    $html .= $innovators->pagination( [
    'type' => 'advanced',
    'base' => 'https://fliara.eu/innovators/?%_%',
    ] );

    …will likely output the expected result.

    Thread Starter ominem


    Still generating the wrong urls.

    Plugin Support Paul Clark


    This can be done after building $html:

    $html = str_replace(

    …which is a general-purpose method for modifying text.

    If the HTML still doesn’t change after that, verify nothing else is modifying the output at a later point, and that all caches are cleared.

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