Hello @stascosta
I’m sorry, but you totally got this wrong and disrespectful.
First and foremost, we have tried helping you based on the information that you have provided so far. Unfortunately, we cannot guess what those “pages” are and what you have done, as you should’ve provided a clear and concise report. Instead, you threw racism into the mix, which we do not tolerate in any way, shape or form. I’m not even sure where did you get the fact that we are a certain nationality.
The second thing that we’d like to note is that the forum’s rules are to indicate where the problem is by giving us an address of the site. You haven’t been able to provide that so far, nor any specific information about your setup. Please provide a fully detailed report about your issue, such as the URL where the issue is happening on, what “pagination” you’d need to implement and so on. The links you have provided are exactly what we’ve been telling you so far – category archives are automatically created by WordPress and they have automated pagination, while simple pages do not have pagination as that’s how the system works like.
What do you say, can we have a respectful collaboration in order to get you your desired help? ??