• Hello all,
    I have looked around the forums and seen some things that look like pagination for WP. However, I want to be sure and ask for something specifically and see what you peeps turn up.
    When the categories start to fill up with posts and someone clicks on the category I want it so that if there are more then 5 ( most likely ) that the screen will show 5 and at the bottom have a pagination area so that they can get to page 2, 3, 4 >> .. whatever.
    Is there something like this built into 1.2 or is this something I have to find a hack for? If so,, then please tell me which is the best hack availalbe to achieve this.
    Kind regards,

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  • It is just after the end of the post loop and before the menu in the index file.

    Thread Starter gravity


    I did exactly what was above and it all works.. ??
    in the index you add what @beel has above and in the wp-layout.css you add:
    #prev_next_links {
    color: #000000;
    font-family: verdana, tahoma, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif, bitstream vera sans;
    font-size: 10px;
    to the bottom. There you can make your pagination look and be anywhere you want.
    Thanks to everyone for this..

    Thread Starter gravity


    any comments on this? is this something that still needs to be done?
    In order to get the $prelabel and $nxtlabel to work you will also have to fix line 40 and line 52.
    Replace: ???? First
    with ‘. $prelabel . ‘First
    and replace: Last ????
    with: Last ‘ . $nxtlabel . ‘
    Haven’t figured out how to get nice urls yet.
    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter gravity


    nope.. I do not want permalinks.. However, I am unfamiliar with the terms:
    laquo and raquo
    so this is where it gets rough.. I need more specifics on what to change. This next step looks like once again I have to change the code in the index and something in the plugin. Is this correct. If so
    lets start with the index first and then in your response write
    now in the plugin code change this:
    if you would be so kind.
    Kind regards
    also, since I am new to bloggin can you give a good description of what the permalink does. I assume it is a permanent link so that other places can link to that post? am I wrong?

    Thread Starter gravity


    I just noticed on your blog you do not have the numbers.. so is this change to get rid of number and just have next and previous tabs? If so then we do not have to get into it other then for others if you already started.. I am good with the numbers.
    These numbers… how high will they go until they become >> or something. what is the magic number? I certainly do not want page 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 up to 30 at the bottom of the page.
    Just need a little insight.

    where is posted page option?? how i do turn it on?

    n/m figured it out

    I do not have the numbers because the plugin will not work in 1.3-alpha-2 (as in 2 days ago) and I have not tweaked it yet so that it will… there, now I have. What you saw was the WP 1.2 version of “Previous | Next”
    If you like what you have, don’t mess with it anymore. If you would like to change the << and >>, you will have to tweak the plugin code (directions in other thread and as follows).
    As for the index page, it is done except for what you put between the () of page_navigation. If you look at the plugin, the function looks like this:
    page_navigation($before=”, $after=”, $prelabel=’?? ‘, $nxtlabel=’ ??’)
    but the lines I mentioned in the other post echo a link which does not include $prelabel and $nxtlabel. It echoes the laquo and raquo (<< & >>) instead. Replace those with what I have in the post (don’t forget the two periods and apostrophes.
    Once that is done, in the index file you can put page_navigation(‘before’, ‘after’, ‘prelabel’, ‘nxtlabel’).
    You are on your own now as I have to get back to work.

    Thread Starter gravity


    I will leave what I have alone.. I will just have to get back in touch with you guys as of 1.3 to make sure that no problems exist. Probably the worst thing in the world in upgrading especially when you have so many hacks included and are not sure if they work or not with the next version.
    Only time will tell.. For everyone else.. if all you are interested in is simple pagination.. look at the 1st page.. once you read the last few posts on page1 you will find it takes about 2 minutes to do.
    Thank for all your help in this Beel..

    Thread Starter gravity


    Hello all,
    Today after posting to the blog I checked Xhtml validation.. Now.. the thing is that the reason the validation is not working is cause of the pagination. I am pretty sure of this.
    Please check out the bottom of the blog:
    You will see that there is a ‘?’ there instead of the ‘>>’ However, I cannot see where I made a mistake. Xhtml validation says line 142 which I think is this line
    < ? php endif; ? >< p id=”prev_next_links” >< ? page_navigation(); ? >< / p >
    Please tell me if something is wrong or what else I might check.. Hopefully someone can help me with that ASAP.. so I can change it accordingly.. Anyone Around ? ??
    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter gravity


    Yeah.. I just cannot understand it.. ?? lol.. Its Malysian to me.. I will try again…
    Kind regards,

    For now, just replace the characters with the code above and I’ll help you fix the variables later –
    I’m late, I’m late
    For a very important date
    No time to say “Hello”, “Goodbye”
    I’m late, I’m late, I’m late
    No, no, no, no
    No, no, no, I’m overdue
    I’m really stew
    No time to say “Goodbye”, “Hello”
    I’m late, I’m late, I’m late

    Thread Starter gravity


    Ahhh.. I think I got it..
    So a person has to edit the plugin and replace the >> with » and « accordingly..
    Anything else that needs changing?
    Have a nice time at church.. Pray for me ??

    Nothing else needs to be changed, unless you want to be able to change $prelabel and $nxtlabel without editing the plugin. Though the plugin indicates you can change it in the function call itself. as it is now, only laquo and raquo can be used. Following my directions, however, will allow you to change it in the function call.

    dss, how do i use the code you pasted above? Thanks.

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