• I’ve made an author list page template using the author boxes. It works well displaying all authors in the right order but I would like to create pagination displaying only 10 author boxes per page. Additionaly, if possible I would like to exclude the authors with post status ‘draft”, because right now it shows even authors with posts that are drafted and not yet published. Nothing seems to be working for me so any help would be greatly appreciated.

    function starBoxCustom(){
        if (!class_exists('ABH_Controllers_Frontend'))
        ABH_Classes_ObjController::getController('ABH_Controllers_Frontend')->custom = true;
    function starBoxShow($user_id) {
        if (!class_exists('ABH_Controllers_Frontend'))
        $theme = ABH_Classes_Tools::getOption('abh_theme');
        $str = '';
        $str .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . _ABH_ALL_THEMES_URL_ . $theme . '/js/frontend.js?ver=' . ABH_VERSION . '"></script>';
        $str .= '<link rel="stylesheet"  href="' . _ABH_ALL_THEMES_URL_ . $theme . '/css/frontend.css?ver=' . ABH_VERSION . '" type="text/css" media="all" />';
        $str .= ABH_Classes_ObjController::getController('ABH_Controllers_Frontend')->showBox($user_id);
        return $str;
    function contributors() {
        $authors = array();
        // roles you want to include
        $roles = array('editor','author','contributor');
        foreach ($roles as $role)  {
            $users_query = get_users(
                  'fields' => array('ID', 'user_nicename'),
                  'orderby'    => 'post_count',
                  'order'      => 'DESC',
                  'role' => $role
            if($users_query) {
                $authors = array_merge($authors, $users_query);
        if(!empty($authors)) {
            foreach($authors as $author) {
    echo starBoxShow( $author->ID );
    echo "<br />";

    and I’m calling the function with this:

    <div id="authorlist"><ul><?php contributors(); ?></ul></div>


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