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  • Plugin Author Jason Crouse


    We’ve been investing all our time on the main plugin. Hopefully someone can step up and contribute his/her time to improve the add-ons ??



    You can use <iframe> to display a specific chart from your admin slimstat page, if the admin page permissions are ‘read’.

    Plugin Author Jason Crouse


    Could you elaborate on how to do that?



    Mine looks like this to display page hits and visitors:

    <div id=”frameContainer” style=”overflow:hidden;”>
    <iframe src=’; style=”width: 100%; height: 450px; margin-top:-150px;margin-left:-50px;” ></iframe>
    Where the negative margins are like ‘scroll-to’.

    But by default, only those with activate plugins permissions can view SlimStat pages. You have to change the permission capability to ‘read’.

    This works very well in FF, Chrome,and IE, and on different screen sizes.



    I love this plugin, btw, even though I have an issue with filtering on multiple countries….

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