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  • Plugin Contributor wpvideogallery


    Kindly share with us an example video page URL from your website that we can use to test this ourselves. So, we could get a clue about the issue and assist you accordingly.

    Thread Starter Dan Caragea


    Plugin Contributor wpvideogallery


    Thanks for the link. I see that you add videos from Dailymotion and have configured our plugin to play using our custom video player.

    Unfortunately, the Dailymotion JS SDK that we use in our plugin has been deprecated by Dailymotion recently. I’m not sure if this is making any difference.


    Kindly go to the “Video Gallery => Settings” menu from your WordPress Admin Dashboard, find the “Use Native Controls” settings, check the “Dailymotion” option, save the changes and check now.

    In case the issue remains, kindly enable the “Force JavaScript Based Initialization”, and the “Lazyload” options from the same settings page and check again.

    Hope this solved your issue!

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