• Resolved competitions


    There have been a number of people already requesting that the four boxes at the front page show static pages, not posts.

    Is this something that the author will build in future theme updates?

    What are other users wanting from displaying four boxes for pages?

    I would like:
    – to be able to set the display order by post/page id, even if it’s hard coded (eg: 232, 431, 121, 332)
    – to have the thumbnail text on the thumbnail image to be the title of the page the image links to

    Is the author available for paid changes as above, or should I consider achieving a similar output using html?

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  • Theme Author Konstantin Kovshenin


    Hey there, you can do all the above with a child theme. We currently don’t plan to implement those changes in the Expound theme itself. If you’d like to hire a WordPress consultant, try https://jobs.wordpress.net/


    I really like your theme and I too would like to add some static pages to the front page.
    I am trying to create a child theme with four static pages and below that the normal posts, but I cannot figure out how to fetch a static page.

    Is there a way I can force an <article …> to return the information of a specific post or page when I know that the ID of the page e.g. is ‘post-33’?

    Something like this (of completely different ;):

    $featured_posts = expound_get_post(post-33);

    <article id=”post-33>” <?php post_class(); ?>>



    Theme Author Konstantin Kovshenin


    To display pages instead of posts in the featured section, you would just override the expound_get_featured_posts function in a child theme, and have it query pages instead, something like:

    function expound_get_featured_posts() {
        return new WP_Query( array(
            'posts_per_page' => 5,
            'post_type' => 'page',
            'post__in' => array( 33, 44, 55 ),
        ) );

    Hope that helps!

    Briljant! Works like a charm!

    Thank you!

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