• I am using WP Super Cache. All works fine for a week. Then I go to check my website. I load the homepage in my browser, and a blank page appears. So I go to WP Super Cache and delete the cache and then the home page loads. I’m confused because I thought old caches deleted automatically. And I’m not sure why blank pages are loading at all.


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  • The same thing happened to me after the security update to WordPress 4.0.1. I have deactivated the plugin until there is a patch.

    I downloaded this today on my blog & now all I get is a blank page! I can’t even sign into my dashboard to delete the app.
    IDK what to do.
    I have tried to access my blog from multiple devices and still the same.
    How do I get into my WP DASHBOARD to delete this plug in?

    Same kind of problem. Some pages do not load and I get a white page. After hitting refresh in the browser the page loads fine. Maybe when a page is loaded for the first time and the cash has to be build it go’s wrong.

    have you ticked the box under ADVANCE

    Extra homepage checks. (Very occasionally stops homepage caching) (Recommended)

    and under DEBUG

    n very rare cases two problems may arise on some blogs:

    The front page may start downloading as a zip file.
    The wrong page is occasionally cached as the front page if your blog uses a static front page and the permalink structure is /%category%/%postname%/.
    I’m 99% certain that they aren’t bugs in WP Super Cache and they only happen in very rare cases but you can run a simple check once every 5 minutes to verify that your site is ok if you’re worried. You will be emailed if there is a problem.

    Tick that and enter some text from page

    Thank’s mrppp for you reply. I already have installed an other plug-in. But I will test your options on a local installation.

    What other one are you trying

    W3 total cash. Works good as well. The settings are a bit overwhelming. With the default settings it’s a bit slower at my site then WP super cache.

    I still have to sort out how to get the settings right for Java script. It can combine and minify the JavaScripts of different plugins. And it can combine and minify different CSS files.

    Yeah just be careful as some already minify their script.

    It can combine and minify the JavaScripts of different plugins. And it can combine and minify different CSS files.

    Hey Fran76, did you solve your problem?

    I have the same problem, only get blank pages, even for the admin.

    I have no way to remove the plugin.

    Any help on this appreciated.

    halfmelon just ftp your site, and rename the plugin to something like wp-supercache-bak that will disable it, then delete the cache folder.

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