• https://cutline.tubetorial.com/cutline-103-is-here-upgrade-today/ is the latest version of Cutline that I am aware of. I not a huge fan of it, but the owner of https://sandracatron.com is She loves it

    The trouble is, as her webmeister, I am having a bit of a row with it.

    I have notbeen able to find any good installation files on this theme and as the theme is a bit different from other themes in terms of how it is behaving, I wanted to bend sme ears (eyes).

    The top portion of the header is for the pages obviously, but no matter how many pages I create, only the three default pages display.

    Also, when initially when I clicked ARCHIVES, I would get a 404 theme based error.

    I assumed it was because there was no page named “archive”, so I created on and left it empty/blank

    Now when you click Archives, you do not get the 404 error, but what you DO get is a page called, not surprisingly, https://sandracatron.com/archives/ and it is empty insofar as there are no monthly archives listed like I expected there would be.

    I have the Enable the Cutline Archives page option enabled.

    I have permalinks enabled to display page names rather than id’s

    Any idea what is going on?

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  • Thread Starter 4evrblu


    Thread Starter 4evrblu


    Oops, that didn’t display like I wanted. Let me try again

    Well, I am having a tough time pasting the code here because the code is rendered literally, or tries to be, when I submit it. Rats.

    Any takes out there?

    Handy? Anyone?

    Thread Starter 4evrblu


    One of the biggest mistakes in these themes is that we all to often take for granted that the theme developers know what they are doing.

    The solution to this problem is in the way the author is trying to display navigational links in the header. He had actually set up a very complex and frankly worthless (in my opinion) system that forced you to hard code every page in an unordered list, rather than using something like a standard WP pho call function like

    <?php wp_list_pages(‘sort_column=menu_order&title_li=’); ?>

    My mistaked was in thinking there was a method to his madness, but really there isn’t. He just took something very simply and complicated the hell out of it if you ask me.

    https://cutline.tubetorial.com/how-to-add-navigation-links/ That explains why this theme is a pile of crap from the word go. Sheesh.

    Getting the Archives page to work is a similar situation.

    WordPress has its own way of managing archives simply by using the php tag <?php get_archives(); ?>

    The author of this theme was not happy with that either. So he came up with his own way of doing it, which is fine. But unless you go to his tutorials page specifically for his theme you will be lost. Just follow the instructions here:

    https://cutline.tubetorial.com/how-to-add-navigation-links/ to get your archives listed.

    I’m using the same theme on one of my sites and I am having the same problems.

    I don’t know the answer yet. I’ve been busy building the rest of the site and haven’t had the chance to stomp on this bug (or am I not regising the feature? I don’t know)

    One thing I finally realised is that these directories dont really exist – the .htacess ‘creates’ them, but if you ftp into your account – nadda/nincs

    Thread Starter 4evrblu


    I really think it is a lousy theme

    Why anyone would use it is beyond me. Once you get into it and see how much work is involved in maintaining the look and feel of the blog you would be nuts to keep it

    Actually I think it’s a very nice looking theme – I value simplicity and white space.

    Its also good if you plan on using adsense and appreciate widgets.

    I suspect that there is something obvious that we are missing about the archives issue.

    Thread Starter 4evrblu


    There is something obvious, and the solution is in the link to the tutorial above.

    Yes the them looks nice, but the innerworkings of it are overly complex. It’s heavily widget dependent, and I don’t like that. Even the style sheet is built for the widgets. It’s just a matter preference. If you enjoy how it works, awesome. I just don’t.

    Dude, I just figured it out….

    > Manage
    > Pages
    [ might need to search for ‘pages’ ]
    > click on ‘edit’ link of Archives
    > click + (plus) on ‘Page Template’ on the right
    > select ‘Archives’
    > click Save button.

    nifty nifty!

    Thread Starter 4evrblu




    HELP! I need to find someone I can pay money to for setting up the Cutline theme for me.

    I really like the cutline theme. It is the best looking theme I found. But I am having a real problem installing it and getting the archive to work.

    Does anyone know where I can find someone who can do this?


    I regret having picked this theme for my first installation. I can’t get pages to be linked properly, either. This is supposed to be easy!

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