• Recently created pages – that have never had expiry dates set – are being set to Draft after updating to the latest version.

    I thought I would put the short code [expirydate] on a page that was being affected to find out what was going on and when I hit Update I got the following errors…

    Warning: date() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in /home/r36784/public_html/wp-content/plugins/electric-studio-auto-expire-post/electric-studio-auto-post-expire.php on line 415

    Warning: date() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in /home/r36784/public_html/wp-content/plugins/electric-studio-auto-expire-post/electric-studio-auto-post-expire.php on line 415

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/r36784/public_html/wp-content/plugins/electric-studio-auto-expire-post/electric-studio-auto-post-expire.php:415) in /home/r36784/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 881

    Any help appreciated…


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  • Oh, cool! That helps. I’ll look into it, and get back to you. For the time being, downgrade to 1.4 or 1.5.5.

    I’m having a similar problem. I use the plugin to expire slides to draft on one of 4 slideshows which are on different pages. The slides on the 3 slideshows with no expiry date set are being changed to draft (twice now).

    Downgraded to 1.5.5.

    I don’t have Duplicate Post mentioned above, and nothing else different other than upgrade to 1.6.2

    So after downgrade, I checked if slideshows were working, all fine. I checked the settings for this plugin and unchecked posts and pages as I don’t need this function, only slides. Was on website a little while later and several random pages had changed to draft. Reset to published and will keep an eye on things, but it definitely has a problem

    Hm, right, I can see how that’s a problem. For now, I’ll just make a copy of 1.5.5 as 1.6.3, and have everyone backgrade to 1.5.5.

    Thanks for the report.

    Hi there, I’m having the same issues as mentioned above. I had done the upgrade a couple of weeks ago and then all of my pages and several slides were suddenly set to draft, and in the content of the pages, anything with an iframe was deleted.

    I upgraded to 1.6.3 on a smaller site towards the end of last week to test; content did not expire as marked after that upgrade. Today, all the pages and slides were again set to draft and the iframes were deleted.

    I’ve deactivated the plugin on all my sites for now. This is a great plugin that I rely on quite a bit and I’m hoping for a fix so that I can use it again!

    Thanks much for your help.

    Having the same issue. Have deactivated the plugin for now. Shame cause I use it on so many sites. Great plugin.

    Having the same issue. Have deactivated the plugin for now. Shame cause I use it on so many sites. Great plugin.

    Looking into it. Sorry about the mess. :/

    Guys, I’ve double and triple tested. It works as expected for me. Whatever needs to be set to whatever I tell it to, gets set, and whatever should not be set, does not get set.

    I literally have no idea, but possible causes:
    – The time on your server is not up to date. This might be a stupid thing, but please check whether the time is correct. When you’re publishing a post or a page, it will tell you that Publishedon: Nov 22, 2012 @ 12:06 pm or something similar. It should be the exact same time as your computer’s clock is showing at the time you’re publishing the post.
    – You’re using an outdated version of WordPress. Can you guys just tell me what version of WordPress are you using?

    Also, just to reiterate: the point of the plugin is to move posts / pages / custom post types FROM published TO draft/private/whatever. It will NOT schedule publishing of posts.

    Also#2, if you do NOT have an expiry date set on a specific post, BUT you DO have an expiry interval set on the settings page ( Settings -> Post Expiry ), then your posts will still expire.

    Logic when deciding to expire a post or not:
    1) Is the post type enabled for expiry? (has a tick next to it in the Settings page)
    2) Does the specific post have an expiry set on it?
    2.1) Has that time passed yet? (if yes) -> Expire
    3) If the post does not have an expiry set on it, does the post type have a default validity set? ( Settings -> Post Expiry -> Default exp. time )
    3.1) Is the current time later than the original publish datetime + validity of the post? (if yes) -> Expire
    4) Carry on, nothing to see here…

    I really can’t see any problem with the code, sorry guys.

    I’ve made an edit on line 658 which brings it to version 1.6.5. For those of you who want to reverse-engineer how it works.


    Managed to reproduce this. Currently looking into it. Stay tuned.

    Thread Starter simonbugler


    Can’t wait ??

    Okay, 1.6.6 should be up in a few minutes. For those of you who’s interested, here’s what was causing the problem:

    If the post has no expiry set on itself, it goes to check whether there’s a default expiry time set, and if so, is the sum of that + original publish date is in the past when compared to the current time.

    However, due to PHP’s fantastic way of handling different types, what happened is that if there was NO time set on the options, in the database the entry was still there, but it was empty. Now according to PHP, empty = 0, and therefore publish date + 0 = publish date, which by default is in the past => expire the post.

    Revised code now checks whether that value is empty, so this should not happen in the future.

    Again, hopefully, and ultimately you guys are my testers. ?? Sorry about the oversight on this.

    Thanks for looking into/fixing the issue. Greatly appreciated.

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