Hello janavar23,
Thank you for your interest in WPSiteSync.
This is not a cache issue. When we synchronize content, we store in the database the Source site and Target site post IDs. This way, subsequent Push operations will re-use the same post IDs. If you’ve changed the post title and/or slug, it’s still the same post ID so it will continue.
To clear this, you can remove the entry in the wp_spectrom_sync table where the target_content_id column matches the post ID on the Target site. You will have to do this on both the Source and Target sites.
As an alternative, if you don’t want to work in the database, you can change the WPSiteSync configuration and set the “Optionally remove Settings and Tables on plugin uninstall” to “Yes, remove all settings and data on uninstall.” Then, deactivate the plugin, delete the plugin, and then re-install the plugin. Again, you will need to do this on both the Source and Target sites. This will clear the database tables, removing the post ID associations.
If this does not resolve your issue, feel free to contact our support team at https://serverpress.com/contact/ and submit a ticket there.
We are working on a fix for the issue that causes this, the “same slug, but different parents” issue you referenced. We will be releasing this with our next update but we do not have an expected date for this yet. We will update this issue here in the support forums when we do release it. And if you contact us we can let you know via email.
All the best,
The ServerPress Team