• It seems every hour or so I am posting on here, but little to nothing is getting accomplished >.<

    So… I’ve got everything working and loading… Site is up… EXCEPT.. No page that I make from Wp-Admin is being loaded. It is obviously acknowledging the page was made because when I click on one of the page names in the navbar that i’ve actually made with wp-admin, it’ll show:


    as opposed to:


    Notice the “/”??? So it’s been made, but nothing that I am putting on the page is showing up.

    Website: https://www.freebrowsergamelist.com

    Stuff I’m trying to post:

    <!--?php get_header(); ?-->
    <span>TribalWars Review</span>
    <div class="entry">
    <div class="social-helpers">
    <div style="left: 160px;"><a class="twitter-share-button" href="https://twitter.com/share" data-via="freebrowsergamelist.com" data-hashtags="mmo">Tweet</a></div>
    <a href="https://freebrowsergamelist.com/reviews/tribalwars.html">Tribalwars</a>, at first glance, feels like any other familiar, middle-aged browser based city building game, similar to Travian or Khan Wars, but in fact, Tribalwars has quite a history: developed by Innogames and originally published in Germany, it then quickly found a market in the US, and although it’s a few years old, Tribalwars is certainly one of the best browser based games I have ever played.
    <a class="shutterset_singlepic52418" title="" href="https://www.tribalwars.net/graphic/index/screenshot-1.jpg"> <img class="ngg-singlepic ngg-center" title="maestia-arrow-fire" src="https://www.tribalwars.net/graphic/index/screenshot-1.jpg" alt="52418  420x310 maestia arrow fire" /> </a>
    One of the most impressive things about Tribalwars is the system it uses. While on the surface it seems very simplistic, it is actually rather complex. At the same time, however, it is made so that every user, from beginner to veteran is able to build, fight, etc. rather easily. Every player can learn this game in a matter of minutes, but will continue learning new things about the game on a continual basis. I've played the game for going on 6 years and still learn new tricks each time I play it for any duration of time.
    <a class="shutterset_singlepic52423" title="" href="https://www.tribalwars.net/graphic/index/screenshot-2.jpg"> <img class="ngg-singlepic ngg-center" title="maestia-skill-tree" src="https://www.tribalwars.net/graphic/index/screenshot-2.jpg" alt="52423  420x310 maestia skill tree" /> </a>
    Another of Tribalwars’s unique attriubytes is the the tribe. I have played many kingdom building browser based games, many MMORPG games based around clans, guilds, etc, but Tribalwars has done something no other game has done for me... Created an ACTUAL functioning mini-country in each tribe. The tribe serves as the focal point for the entire game, and which tribe you jon matters more than almost anything else. It's a beautiful thing when you and 50 other players are communicating and coordinating on such a level that would rival Navy Seals missions. It is the main reason I keep coming back, for the community that is made in a tribe.
    <a class="shutterset_singlepic52421" title="" href="https://www.twoskies.net/tribalwars/world9-012108.jpg"> <img class="ngg-singlepic ngg-center" src="https://www.twoskies.net/tribalwars/world9-012108.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="500" border="0" /> </a>
    Bottom line is that if you are looking for one of the most time consuming, community based, kick ass, FREE broswer based game, you can't beat Tribal Wars.
    <div class="ngg-navigation"><span class="current">1</span></div>
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  • not clear on what you mean by “page is not loading up” .. I see both pages for both links, they both show an empty slider. Are you talking about posts not showing in the slider?
    (at least I think it’s a post slider, looks like one)

    Thread Starter usbmp06


    Well… I go to Pages > Add New > Put Reviews as the Page name

    My permalink is set up to post the name, so it shows up as https://freebrowsergamelist.com/reviews/, which is what is on the Navbar.

    Then I posted what I put above, but nothing is showing up except for the header and footer.

    So the page loads, but shows no content. Just wanted to make that clear.

    can you post any content at all? try simple text, just to make sure there’s no issues with your above code.

    Thread Starter usbmp06


    Nope, I tried just putting probably 100 letters in there… Just aaaaaaa,etc… Nothing.


    could you post content on pages before? anything change? upgrade? new plugins?

    Try disabling all your plugins, then check it out. If needed do the same with your theme.

    Thread Starter usbmp06


    I actually have no plugins… This a pretty new site, only about 3 days old. The last two days I was just working on the HTML, and then switched it to WP and made a theme out of the HTML.

    How would I check the theme to make sure it’s working properly?

    Sorry I’m a noob >.<

    Yikes, i’m sorry but if you made your theme I’d be in the dark, in my book that’s way advanced, especially for a noob. Are you saying you didn’t start with any pre-made theme? that’s a new one for me.

    Thread Starter usbmp06


    Nope, no pre-made theme… I followed a guide on how to turn HTML into a theme. I’m not too shabby at HTML, but I have no idea about WP, php, etc.

    I just can’t run a website like I want to with just HTML alone, way too time consuming and too much of a head ache, even though it seems I was getting more done by doing that… lmao. Just updating a website that’s totally HTML would be a complete pain.

    Thread Starter usbmp06


    Thanks anyway though ??

    You really should concider trying a standard theme, many are easy to customize if you know html/css. I’ll bet you could get the essentially the same html/css structure you have now.

    Thread Starter usbmp06


    would you know which .php file might control updating a page, posting a page, etc???

    I might be able to fix it if I knew that ??

    page.php. it should include the wp “loop” to call the posts, and a content area for anything you add to the page.. you’ll find plenty of info on it.

    sorry I should have been able to say that before, just a little trouble wrapping my head around a home-made theme. but I get it now. Pretty cool.

    Thread Starter usbmp06


    Well, I somewhat fixed it… At least SOMETHING is showing now.


    Any ideas now? lol…

    I’ll keep messing around with it later, have to head to work now.

    You might model the basic structure after another theme, copy the php but with your own div classes and id’s.

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