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  • I have *no* problem when I’m not logged in.

    But I *have* the same problem, when I’m logged in as a subscriber:
    I can see a list of posts, marked as “members only: admins”.
    When I click a single post, it redirects to login instead of showing the refusal message.



    Same to me.
    Users can see each others posts (it’s existence) but they can’t see the content. (which is bad)
    And with pages – they don’t even know that page for other group have ever been created.

    Is it a “as supposed to be”, or is it a malfunction?

    Version 4.0.13

    Thank you, great plugin, convenient and easy.
    Except this ??

    Would be wonderful if this plugin could have the same restricted management on category blog pages as it does so well with ‘pages’.

    I have the same problem here. On the index page of the blog, a user can see the post title of posts that they don’t have access to. Below the title is the text:

    To view the contents of this post, you must be authenticated and have the required access level.

    I’d prefer the post to be gone completely. This should be possible, because posts that are restricted to members-only WITHOUT a specific role being selected are completely hidden from users that aren’t logged into the site.

    One work around I came up with is this ljelewis:

    To share with others who may have a similar need, you can do the following by creating a new page.php type file:

    1. Download a copy of the ‘archive.php’ file
    2. Enter at the top of the file /* Template Name: name-page */
    3. Near top of the page after ” get_header(); ”, enter a new line with “query_posts(“cat=10“); (enter category ID number here)
    4. Rename the file ‘page-name-of-file.php
    5. Upload the new file
    6. Create a new page, on right pane uner ‘Page Attributes’ select your new page template
    7. View page and you should be good!

    Some tweaking might be necessary with CSS which I’ll leave up to others.

    Thanks jakesdish, that’s one workaround. Not ideal.

    The ideal solution would be for the plugin author to filter the posts found in the main loop query. This can be done by hooking into the pre_get_posts hook

    If the author doesn’t have time I’d be happy to write that into the plugin.

    Hi ljelewis,

    We’re having the same problem here and agree the best solution would be to check in the pre_get_posts hook.

    We’d love you to write it in, have you got any further with this? Happy to pay for your time!



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