• Resolved compelling


    After upgrade from 1.9.5 to 2.0.1, it is as if the db is not transferred.
    On localhost hit Save changes and pick the database should be saved.
    On the remote server i go to Revisr dashboard, and normally i would after a refresh of the dashboard see the Pull changes button be updated to Pull changes (1). This is no longer happening, and i can also see that page mods are no longer transferred to my live site.
    So i am reverting to 1.9.5 for now, hope you can give a hint to what could be tried.
    Kind regards


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  • Thread Starter compelling


    Well, forgot to push the database dump. So now the Pull changes (1) appears as expected, but still no sign up the pages being in sync. Must be something wrong with the db dump on localhost or the db load on the server. Investigating a bit further.

    Thread Starter compelling


    Well, looking at the posts table on localhost i have 357 entries, but on the remote server there is 351 – all my last updates are not there. Then looking at the wp-content/revisor-backups/xxxx_posts.sql file,i can see 357 entries as well. So i guess pulling git repository on the remote server does not load the db, even though the settings/database/import database when pulling commits is ticked. Something i can do to make it do it again?

    Thread Starter compelling


    I found a work around for the bug in 2.0.1 – i go to revise-commits and click the commit done from localhost, then click Revert and select database only. This makes the entire database load from the backup files, and that works.
    Bad thing is of course this makes the whole process a lot slower than it normally is, and the homepage goes down for a lot longer time than when the bug was not there in version 1.9.5.
    Kind regads

    PS Here is the live server config

    ### Begin System Info ###
    -- WordPress Configuration
    Site URL:                 https://groshapp.com
    Home URL:                 https://groshapp.com
    Multisite:                No
    Version:                  4.3.1
    Language:                 en_US
    Table Prefix:             Length: 21
    WP_DEBUG:                 Disabled
    Memory Limit:             40M
    -- Revisr Configuration
    Plugin Version:           2.0.1
    Automatic Backups:        Disabled
    Auto-Push:                Disabled
    Auto-Pull:                Disabled
    Import checkouts:         Disabled
    Import pulls:             Enabled
    Work Tree:                /var/www/groshapp.com/public_html
    Git Dir:                  /var/www/groshapp.com/public_html/.git
    Repository Detected:      true
    Repository Writable:      true
    -- Server Configuration
    Operating System:         Linux
    PHP Version:              5.6.15
    MySQL Version:            5.6.27
    Git Version:              git version 1.7.1
    Git Install Path:         /usr/bin/git
    MySQL Install Path:       /usr/bin/mysql
    Server Software:          Apache
    Server User:              groshapp.com
    -- PHP Configuration
    Safe Mode:                Disabled
    Exec Enabled:             Enabled
    Memory Limit:             256M
    Upload Max Size:          80M
    Post Max Size:            80M
    Upload Max Filesize:      80M
    Time Limit:               60
    Max Input Vars:           5000
    Display Errors:           On (1)
    -- WordPress Active Plugins
    Device Mockups: 1.5.2
    Genesis Layout Extras: 2.0.0
    Genesis Simple Edits: 2.1.4
    MailChimp for WordPress Lite: 2.3.18
    Minimal Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode: 1.1
    Revisr: 2.0.1
    Shortcodes Ultimate: 4.9.9
    Simple Social Icons: 1.0.13
    Tidio Chat: 3.0.1
    Ultimate FAQ: 1.0.0
    Yoast SEO: 2.3.5
    -- WordPress Inactive Plugins
    ### End System Info ###

    Thread Starter compelling


    Hi there, did another smaller update on localhost and pulled it on the live site, and this time the posts got loaded as they should. I think maybe there was just something wrong on the server the first time around, so think we can close this for now, i will let you know if i see the problem again.
    Great that the plugin now uses the git user id and you dont store revisr stuff in the db ??

    Plugin Author Matt Shaw


    Hi S?ren,

    Thanks for describing the issue in detail. I haven’t been able to replicate this in my own testing, and haven’t heard any other cases of this happening, but please do let me know if this happens again. Would definitely like to get to the bottom of this if it is a recurring issue.

    I had a similiar issue: Files (e.g. media files) got pulled by my remote server correctly (I checked that they got created on the filesystem) but did not show up in the Media section of the WordPress backend.

    I also reverted the last database commit and with the next push&pull the DB updated correctly and all media files showed up as expected.

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