• Hi all,

    I’m fairly new to WordPress, but like to think I know what I am doing. I have a section of pages set up and everything is great.

    However, the pages management section in the admin panel is extremely slow to load, oftem timing out while listing the pages on the site.

    Editing an existing page is brutally slow to load, as is opening a New Page.

    Any suggestions to make this better?


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  • Thread Starter jackx


    OK, given that there are currently no replies to my question about the load times for the pages admin area, is there a weblog client that supports editing and creating new pages in wordpress?

    I’d really rather not move to a different blogging software or CMS, because I think wordpress has the most potential, but the load time issue with the pages management is too much of a drawback.

    As an FYI, I have approximately 400 pages loaded into wordpress, and at this point it takes up to 90 second to load the interface to edit any one of them. (I think because of the way the admin area calls the page and loads information for all pages on the site, instead of just the one you are working on) Everything else loads quickly.

    If you have any suggestions, or if the wordpress team is working on this issue please let me know. Thanks.

    I have a fix for this issue that I just finished today. (It involved modifying a fix the developer of LightPress wrote for the 1.5 version.) If you can wait, I am going to make a page for it on June 22 where it will be freely available. I’ll update this thread when it’s ready.

    Unfortunately it’s a couple of days late, but here is the patch as promised-

    This drastically speeds up loading of the Page Management screen.

    There needs to be some solution for Pages admin display.

    I have a site that probably has somewhere around 200-300 pages (yes, pages — that’s completely separate from dated posts). It takes around 15 seconds to load the manage pages tab in the admin.

    It drives me nuts.

    Would it be possible to hijack and completely rewrite the manage pages tab via plugin?

    Uhhh, did you take a look at the patch I posted above your posts?

    Check it out-

    Uhhh, yes. But working with a large scale corporate site requires that I not apply random patches that create problems while upgrading.

    For the love of Foo, please fix page management for once and for all. Quite frankly, I’m a bit shocked and upset that nothing made it into the 2.1 release.

    I manage a very large-scale patient education site that receives over 10k visits per day. We are approaching 600 static pages (not including our daily “posts” in the magazine section of the site).

    WordPress page management fails miserably: anything above 100 pages and php execution time becomes an issue. We’ve had to constantly update the hacked page management page in order to use it at all.

    This has been an issue for over a YEAR now, not just months. There are at least three forum threads relating to this issue, with no resolution. What’s more, I can’t find even one ticket in Trac that refers to the problem, and because new ticket creation has been locked down, I can’t even notify anyone as to this very well-known issue that no one seems to want to fix.

    Does WordPress *want* enterprise users? If so, stuff like this really should be fixed. I really like WordPress, but for us, this is a deal-breaker.

    Moderator, please move this thread to the How-To and Troubleshooting Forum.

    There is a ticket open for this problem. It was done in this thread after I dug and dug!!!! ??


    Well, that’s the first positive sign I’ve seen relating to this issue.

    Unfortunately, WP2.1 doesn’t improve anything with pages. With a site containing around 600 pages, it is still utterly unusable (even via localhosting).




    I like WordPress too but the edit and refresh times are excruciating. The site is new — it’s not a matter of obesity. No images.

    This is for for a publishing company and it will only grow. But as it stands WordPress management time is going to be too expensive and I’ll have to look for another solution.

    Suggestions, anyone?



    My page management patch is now compatible with WordPress 2.1.x




    So I’ve hit a wall with WordPress; it is clearly not enterprise-grade software.

    Our needs are not extravagant (we only need “static” page and date-based articles) but this CMS clearly will not work for us.

    Goodbye, WordPress. It’s been (sorta) nice knowin’ ya.

    In case anyone is interested, we now are building a new in-house CMS in Rails to manage our site.

    WordPress+WP-Cache2 still powers our domain, which receives about 15k unique visitors & 50k pageviews per day. The site now houses over 1000 pages, WAY beyond the limits of WP, and it’s quickly becoming the worst experience I can possibly imagine with a CMS.

    We’re talking 30+ second pageload times in the admin. Any conditional template content dependent on page hierarchy causes an almost exponential increase in load time (fresh, non-cached).

    On a dual P4 3GHz, 2GB RAM LAMP server, a total clear of cache will immediately crash the server under the load of fresh page requests. Server crashes follow in quick succession, load averaging around 75-80 until the new batch of popular pages are generated.

    It sucks.

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