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  • i have the same isuue

    i have the same isuue

    Thread Starter iegnation


    Fixed, on nggfunctions.php replace:

    On line 480

    // Get options
        $ngg_options = $ngg->options;

    Replace with

    // Get options
        $ngg_options = nggGallery::get_option('ngg_options');

    thanks! works!


    this pagination working, but:

    1. When page is created by shortcode [album id=1 template=compact] and ngg_paged_Galleries then pagination working on album view, for switching between pages with many galleries thumbnail

    2. But when user clicked on any thumbnail and going to gallery items, then pagination switcher, which stay on footer will working still as album switcher, no gallery page switching

    For example:

    on gallery page are in pagination switcher displayed items 1,2,3,… and this working OK, click on 3 will switch to album page 3,

    but when user select any gallery, which have more than one page view, then pagination switcher will change to 1,2… or more, but clicking to 2 for example, don′t going to page 2 of gallery, but to page 2 of album

    How can I fix this?

    How do you guys managed to get the pagination working?

    I’ve added a NextGEN Basic Compact Album and then set the custom field as you explained but unfortunately nothing happens. (tried to use different values).

    Is it possible to use the pagination within a shortcode as well?

    <?php echo do_shortcode('[album=1 compact ngg_paged_Galleries=2]'); ?>

    Thanks in advance

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @joaovpmamede – The discussion above pertains to the 1.9.x version of NextGEN Gallery. I think this may be functionality that we missed in the major update to 2.x, and I suspect the same customization above may not work. Checking to confirm. If we did miss this, we’ll almost certainly find a way to re-add this kind of functionality, but try to make it part of the main interface rather than using a custom field.

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    can you please go ahead and follow and post in this thread:

    That thread is referring to the same functionality. That way we can consolidate discussion on that functionality on one thread. Feel free to add your voice there since it will add weight and priority to this issue if we see more people looking for the functionality.

    Thanks (Erick)

    I’m going to ask the mods to close this thread since the OP’s question was resolved and since there’s another, more relevant and more modern thread on the same issue.

    Got it, Erick :)!

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