Page_blog problem
Hey there, I have edited my page_blog.php to display 8 articles (french and arabic) and it’s working but the problem is when you click on “Next Page” it’ll take you to page 2/3/4/5/6 but the articles are not changing, even though I have more than 8 articles posted on my site.
This is my site: [LINK] (pass guest/guest)
This is the code page_blog.php
<?php $page = (get_query_var('paged')) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1; query_posts("showposts=4&paged=$page"); while ( have_posts() ) : the_post() ?> <?php $arabic=""; foreach((get_the_category()) as $category) { if($category->cat_name=="Arabic"){ $arabic='1'; echo '<div style="text-align:right;">'; } } ?> <h1><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h1> <?php if($arabic=="1"){ the_excerpt_rereloaded('200','<strong>???????</strong>','<a>,<i>,<em>,<b>,<strong>,<ul>,<ol>,<li>,<span>,<blockquote>','plain'); } else{ the_excerpt_rereloaded('50','<strong>Suite</strong>','<a>,<i>,<em>,<b>,<strong>,<ul>,<ol>,<li>,<span>,<blockquote>','plain');} ?> <div class="hpfeedmeta"> <p><?php the_time('j F, Y'); ?> | <?php comments_popup_link('Aucun commentaire', '1 Commentaire', '% Commentaires'); ?></p> </div> <?php if($arabic=="1"){ echo '</div>'; } ?> <div class="postmeta2"> Tagged: <?php the_tags('') ?> </div> <?php endwhile; ?> <p align="right"><strong><?php if(get_query_var('paged')=='2'){ echo '<a href="/">« Accueil</a> | '; next_posts_link('Page Suivante »'); }else{ posts_nav_link(' | ', '« Page Précédente', 'Page Suivante »'); } ?></strong></p>
Please tell me what am I doing wrong here?
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