• I wanted to embed a live website to my wordpress page. here is the coed i use for embedding (this is a sample only)
    <object data=https://www.cnn.com width=”1050″ height=”500″> <embed src=https://www.cnn.com width=”1050″ height=”500″> </embed></object>

    The problem i have is, embedded site width is too small. in my child style sheet i have this code to change the width but is dose int work.

    .page_id=87 .one-column #content {
    width: 1050px;

    would appreciate any help

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  • Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support


    I don’t think there’s a class called “page_id=87” – look at your webpage’s source code to find out the correct class. It’ll be in the <body> element.


    That’s not the element you need to target. Use a browser developer tool, such as Firebug, to expose the underlying CSS applied to elements. You should find these are the elements you want to override:

    .site-content .entry-header,
    .site-content .entry-content,
    .site-content .entry-summary,
    .site-content .entry-meta,

    width: 1050px;

    It’s not “width”, it’s “max-width”. You’ll find that out through Firebug.

    You could use

    width: 100%;

    However your still limited by the .site-content .entry-???? as Andrew mentioned. And changing those is sitewide.

    Try this:

    #post-87 .entry-content {
    max-width: 1038px;
    object {
    width: 100%;
    height: 500px;

    Thanks to LBurger in this thread.

    Thread Starter babu.rajan


    thanks very much.
    just to understand how it works.
    #post-87 — page/post 87
    .entry-content — properties?
    {max-width: 1038px} — Width(this will overwrite theme style’s width)

    object { — is this the above page only?
    width: 100%; — what is this for
    height: 500px; — Height(this will overwrite theme style’s width)

    Image for explanation.

    #post-87 <–says what page
    .entry-content { <–says what section of page (red border in image)
    max-width: 1038px; <– tells it to expand that section

    object { <–says the object you embedded (blue border in image)
    width: 100%; <– tells “object” fill width set above (1038px)
    height: 500px; <–tells “object” to be 500px in height



    can someone please help me. i keep using these codes to try to embed a live page onto my website but i get nothing….nothing shows up at all.



    Hi, I am also trying to adjust page width in twenty fourteen theme. For example see:


    In Edit CSS under Appearance, I say:

    .entry-content {
    max-width: 800px;

    It doesn’t work. Any suggestions?



    You might want to try this plugin.

    Do you still need help with your problem?



    I installed the fourteen-extended plug-in, Activated it and then went to Appearance/Customize. The screen goes blank. All pages of the website go blank. I had to de-activate. What am I missing?



    Wow, this plug-in “fourteen-extended” is great!!

    Thank you, batharoy for your suggestion.


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