• mrbandit


    I have been building a new company intranet with the 2017 theme and I’m just about done. One of the last issues I have is the page-title. On the frontpage it appears to be twice the size of the normal pages and the frontpage doesn’t even use the same font. It was like this right out of the box.

    I didn’t want the title to begin with, so I researched that and this value did get rid of it all together.

    .hentry .entry-title,
    .page-title {
          display: none;

    While this code did what I wanted the side effect was the absence of clickable titles when vieing search results. I see a small excerpt, but there is no title link. Is there a better way to achieve my goal? To get rid of the titles on the pages, but have title links on the search results?

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  • stilman davis


    Go to the theme > customizer > site identity
    Leave the Site Title blank

    Return the .hentry…{…} back to what it was.

    The other way is to go to section 13.1 of the twentyseventeen stylesheet and make your changes there in your child theme.

    Thread Starter mrbandit


    The site title field is already blank.

    Here is what my site looks like right now without the css I shared in the OP.
    I need to add that I am using a child front-page.php that contains the code from page.php to allow me to have sidebars on my site frontpage. Please note the green arrow showing the title I am trying to omit.

    Here is what a normal page view looks like
    Normal Page
    Please note the green arrow showing the title I am trying to omit.

    Here is what the normal search results looks like
    Search results
    Please note the two green arrows showing the title(s) that I want to keep.

    Here are those same views after I add the css from the OP. I forgot to add a img for the frontpage, but it does remove it.
    Normal Page
    Please note the green arrow showing where the title was omitted.

    Here is what the normal search results looks like
    Search results
    Please note the green arrow where the two titles were before.

    Would it be simpler to work with the search results only?

    stilman davis


    Sorry, I misunderstood the title you wanted to get rid of.

    Thread Starter mrbandit


    First off, my pics uploaded incorrectly. I will have to fix that in the morning. The title I want to remove is shown in green on the first two pics. It is the name of the page. By attempting to get rid of it via the css in my first post it subsequently removes entries and titles on the search results page. The search picture with the titles is the one that uploaded incorrectly.

    Sorry for the confusion.

    Thread Starter mrbandit


    I have corrected the upload errors. In the first two images the green arrow points to the name that happens to be the name of the page. The third image has two arrows that point to “search results for <search_term>” and the page title for the page that meets the criteria. If I use the css

    .hentry .entry-title,
    .page-title {
          display: none;

    The page titles the first two images point to go away as desired. However, the two items on the search results page do as well. The absence of the page title renders searching useless since there is no link to click on when a match is found.

    Any help is very much appreciated!

    stilman davis


    Try playing with

    .page .panel-content .entry-title,
    body.page:not(.twentyseventeen-front-page) .entry-title

    This should givev you what you want.

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