• Hello.

    I’ve just installed WordPress 2.5 as part of a client development. Everything is going find except I can’t find where to select ‘Page Templates’?!

    Looking at other posts I know is suppose to appear between Page Parent and Page Order at the bottom of the Page editing page, but it just ain’t there?

    I’ve created the page and inserted the necessary Tags…

    Template Name: Clients

    But still no joy.

    Anyone got any ideas?

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  • It only worked for me when I switched my theme and then switched it back. Then the Page Template dropdown appeared when editing my pages. This is kind of weird, but it worked.

    I fixed Role Scoper’s Page Template bug shortly after Rex reported it to me. kb241’s might have been caused by something else, though.

    Everyone is welcome to submit Role Scoper bug reports or other concerns/questions in the Agapetry Support Forum.

    I had the same problem.

    Switching to a different template and then back to the one you are working with fixed the problem for me.

    Good call kb241.

    I had the same problem in WP 2.6.1 with my page template field magically disappearing. I went to the Design tab and found that WP had somehow deactivated my current theme. Reactivated it and viola.

    I have the same problem, tried everything mentioned here and it still now works. I do not see my theme to select it.

    Any fix for this?

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    There’s no fix because there’s no bug to fix. This code has not changed at all, for several versions. If the page template is not showing up, then something is wrong with the template or the theme itself. WordPress can’t do things magically.

    You need to figure out what’s wrong with your Template and fix it. That’s all there is to it, really.

    Some people have luck with switching to default theme and back again, and while that doesn’t make any sense to me, if they say it worked for them then I’m not one to argue. Other than that, I have no suggestions for you.

    Switching to Default and then back to my Theme worked.

    I know others have said it but…

    Switch to Default Theme and then switch back.

    I now see the template drop down.

    Thanks to all the others who suggested it!

    ive been having this problem in 2.7, 2.7.1 as well.

    for no reason the template drop down within the “attributes” pane just vanishes on refresh. then a random ammount of time later, on a page refresh, or when the theme is switched, it just comes back.

    This would be less of a problem if the bug didnt make the page use the default template for every page untill the template attribute drop down comes back.

    i think its short sighted to say that all the people who have had this problem, me included, have bad code(even though the code itself is 5 lines and almost impossible to mess up), when it does it, seemingly at random…. there is a bug within wordpress.



    One of the things, that we all need to do, is reactivate our wordpress themes in admin->themes

    I think it’s not a bug, but it’s a feature of theming system’s of all CMS. How CMS can understood, that we uploaded some new template files, without reactivating of theme?

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