• Resolved Ian Stewart


    Anyone have an idea of how to get WordPress to recognize page templates in a child theme? That is, a theme with TEMPLATE:parent-theme in it’s style.css. Something with a structure like so:

    -[all the usual suspects and files]

    -[only the following files in this directory]

    The idea here being that I could have access to new-page-template.php when writing pages while using child-theme.

    Ideally, I’d like to have the option of enabling this functionality in either the parent-theme (looks for page-templates) or in the child-theme (forces use of page-template). I think this would really help the development of CMS themes for WordPress.

    Any ideas?

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  • iandstewart, do you mean when you write a page, you would have the ability to choose a theme that would apply only to that page? I saw your derivative theme on themeshaper, very interesting. I developed a theme called MotherTheme that has skins to easily change the blog overall look without rupturing the whole site, but a skin is a .css file and an image folder. Not a separate set of .php files.

    Thread Starter Ian Stewart


    Oops. This has been resolved in WordPress 2.7. It’ll be awesome.

    Thanks, but I think you misspelled sooper …

    So does this work in WP 2.7?

    Can you flat-out replace templates from the parent theme, by duplicating the same file-name in the child theme?

    In other words — can I replace the parent theme’s sidebar.php with my own sidebar.php, by putting a new sidebar.php in the child-theme folder?

    How about adding a new page template like iandstewart asked?

    In the parlance of our times: Do templates in the child theme override templates in the parent theme, or does the child theme always inherit templates from the parent?

    This thread is “resolved” but I don’t see the answer. Has this been resolved in WordPress 2.7?

    I guess this functionality *has* been added to 2.7… clues here:

    yes. it is added.

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