• Page: https://www.incessant-logic.net/

    I want to add some page tabs (where it currently says “JC’s Fiction”). Each one will be to a specific link; files, forums… etc. I also want a home tab to return to the main page.

    Should I be looking to add these into the template? Which I’d prefer not to. Or can I somehow add them into the DB so that I can have them display in different themes?

    In the same theme (idea not look) I want to have my files pages (https://files.incessant-logic.net) display inline eg keep the current layout with the files bit where the blog is now. Would that be possible? If so how?

    Thanks in advance. (2nd thing is really not urgent as I can set footer and header with the software I use now.)


    I have the links visible now, JC’s Fiction is the one generated through WP, the others have been added to the theme (header.php).

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  • Like it or not – this is a theme-specific question: some themes don’t even have any kind of horizontal menu!

    You can have those links hardcoded in the template files, or if you want to use only Pages for that, use a plugin, like Redirectify or try some others:

    Thread Starter lost-ninja


    Looks to be just what I want, thank you.

    Now all I need to do if find out where I can get it, red-alt doesn’t have any downloads that I can use, subversion page just errors. ??

    Hi guys,

    maybe someone can help me. I also want to achieve the same thing as Lost-Ninja.

    I also want specific links for some of my pages.

    For example:
    START is the main page.
    ALBUMS is the second page but i want it to link to https://www.myblog.com/photoalbums/

    How can i achieve this?


    You can achieve that by reading the posts above and following the advice (and links).


    you mean downloading the plugin at https://www.transycan.net/blogtest/download-themes/ ?

    @ Moshu,

    Ok sorry, i did not see the proper plugin. I downloaded the Redirctify and using it right now.

    Thank you.

    But isn’t there a more subtle solution (like Lost-Ninja has on his website), this plugin (redirectify) is more like a temporary solution (but better have a solution then no solution :))

    I have no idea what the other user has on his site.
    And by “temporary” I meant offering a temporary download (because the plugin is not mine) until the author updates his site.
    The plugin is the most “subtle” solution. Otherwise you can do a lot of hand coding…


    again, thanx for your reply.

    What i meant by a more subtle solution was the like Lost-Ninja has on his website.
    When you go to his website https://www.incessant-logic.net/ and press the menu button FORUM it links to https://www.incessant-logic.net/forums/ and the same goes for the menu button FILES, it links to a selfdefined link/page. That is actually what i want to achieve, to define my own links instead of the standard ?page_id=7 link.

    I am no good with coding, so i hope there is a simple solution, or i have to do with the redirectify plugin ??

    You are messing two very different things!
    The redirectify makes your Page to go somewhere else…
    while the difference between page_id=123 and /whatever is in Using_Permalinks.

    It is always good to learn about the tool you are using ??


    let me say something first, my english is not so well, so sometimes i understand things different than it’s meant ??

    Well i tried permalinks, but it doesnt work for me, at least not the way i want it. And my wordpress gets broken when i use permalinks, i don’t know why, but if i enable permalinks, the links (menu’s) and posts on my site won’t work anymore. It just refreshes the index page.

    So, that’s why i am looking for another solution. I’m happy the ways are, with the ?page_id=7 links, but there is one menu item called ALBUMS i want it to go to a self defined link. ??

    Is this possible without coding and is there a plugin (not so much as plugin redirectify) or a workaround that could do that, that could enable me to put a selfdefind link instead of the page id thingy?

    You don’t want coding and you don’t want plugin(s) – but you want specific features that can be done ONLY with plugins or manual coding.
    In this case I cannot help.


    Well, the problem is, i’m not so good with coding, someone should give me an example before i can do it myself, and i couldn’t find any examples. Anyways.

    The Redirectify plugin will have to do.

    I want to thank you for your answers and help, thanx Moshu!

    At least someone tried to help me ??

    See these Tutorials – there is one called Pages and Categories; it has examples for manual coding into the wp_list_pages.

    @ Moshu,

    yes, I DID IT ??

    Ok, well first of all, i read the tutorials on https://www.transycan.net/ (thanx for that), it was offering some kind of solution, giving examples and how things work.

    So i played around, and made some changes in HEADER.PHP of my theme (you can find header.php in you’re theme folder, i didn’t know that :)).

    What i did was this, i added this code in header.php:

    • /imgv/” target=”_blank”>ALBUMS
    • before this code/entry/line:
      <?php wp_list_pages(‘sort_column=menu_order&depth=1&title_li=’); ?>

      And woohaa! It worked. It added a new menu item called ALBUMS and it opens in a new blank page, that is what i wanted to achieve ??

      Now it looks like this (the menu);

      Thank you very much Moshu!

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