• Hi,

    When NG enabled, all the shortlinks (“https://domain.name/?p=123” stype) of page-type posts returns a 404 error. The full link of pages, the full link of blog posts, and shortlinks of blogposts does work correctly.

    Software info:

    WordPress 4.0 (up to date), NextGEN (uo to date), MySQL 5.5.38, PHP 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.3, safe mode off, nginx 1.7.4.

    Multisite WordPress setup with subdomains. Hosting on DigitalOcean Ubuntu image, custom theme, other plugins: “WordPress MU Domain Mapping, Q and A FAQ and Knowledge Base for WordPress, Multisite User Management, Multisite Plugin Manager, Better WordPress Google XML Sitemaps, Akismet”, the problem DOES occur even when switching to Twenty-Thirteen and disabling all other plugins and keep NG.


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  • Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @imrehg – When you deactivated all of your plugins, did that also include the Domain Mapping one?

    Also, do you have specific addresses to review as the “default” Permalinks structure you are referring to as a shortlink should always resolve (at least in a single site installation).


    – Cais.

    Thread Starter Gergely Imreh


    Hi, yes, I’ve deactivated the Domain Mapping one as well. I re-checked it right now.

    NG on, then when mapping plugin on:

    * unmapped/pagename -> 301 moved permanently to mapped/pagename
    * mapped/pagename -> 200 and header includes mapped/shortlink
    * mapped/shortlink -> 404 (the reason for the bugreport)

    When mapping plugin off

    * unmapped/pagename -> 200 and header includes unmapped/shortlink
    * unmapped/shortlink -> 404

    To me it looks like it’s not the mapping plugin….

    The shortlink I refer to is the domainname/?p=postnumber format (that’s reported in the header of http requests, and when using NG it does not resolve for pages but 404 out (that’s the bugreport). Does this answer your second question? I’m not totally sure I understand it correctly.

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @imrehg – The point I am trying to sort out is the following:

    Is https://mapped-domain.tld/?p=123 absolutely the same as https://mapped-domain.hosting-domain.tld/?p=123 … although I am not overly familiar with domain mapping plugins those two examples should resolve to the exact same post is how I envision them to work.

    Do both URL examples work? They should as they represent the “Default” WordPress Permalinks structure and should resolve no matter the actual Permalinks structure being used.

    – Cais.

    Thread Starter Gergely Imreh


    I think everything you are asking was in my previous answer already, but I try it again.

    When the mapping plugin is enabled, https://mapped-domain.hosting-domain.tld/ just redirects to https://mapped-domain.tld/ all the time. When the mapping plugin is disabled, https://mapped-domain.tld/ redirects to https://mapped-domain.hosting-domain.tld/ all the time

    Not a single time does a ?p=123 link work when it is a page type. When it’s a blogpost type it does work correctly either with name or with ?p=123 form, whether or not the domain mapping plugin is on. Thus I do not think it’s the domain mapping issue.

    The “default” permalink structure that you say should resolve, does not in fact resolve, when NG is enabled, but only for the “page” type.

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @imrehg – So the issue is just with pages and with posts?

    Can you provide a link with real examples? Or, feel free to submit a Bug Report (https://www.nextgen-gallery.com/report-bug/ … please reference this topic) with appropriate credentials for your Multisite installation so we can have a closer look under the page.


    – Cais.

    Thread Starter Gergely Imreh


    No, the issue is just with pages. Posts work fine.

    Examples from the live site:

    1) Page (wrong)

    The page https://apc.io/products/ works with stub, and using curl -I https://apc.io/products/ to see the header it reports Link: <https://apc.io/?p=976>; rel=shortlink.

    Then using the shortlink https://apc.io/?p=976 from the header, I get 404 when NG is enabled (like right now).

    2) Post (correct)

    The post https://apc.io/blog/2014/02/27/apc-in-the-fox-den-mwc-2014/ works with stub, and using curl -I https://apc.io/blog/2014/02/27/apc-in-the-fox-den-mwc-2014/ to see the header it reports Link: <https://apc.io/?p=1208>; rel=shortlink.

    Then using the shortlink https://apc.io/?p=1208 from the header it loads correctly (200).

    I’m sorry, it is a corporate site, and I don’t think giving the credentials for the live site is appropriate.

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @imrehg – I see the issue you are having on your site.

    Thank you very much for all of these details, I have finally been able to sort through this and can consistently reproduce the effect. We really do appreciate all of your time with this and I will get it to our developers to review as soon as they can.

    From what I can tell, using Jetpack Network Activated will produce working shortlinks based on some quick testing if that is of any assistance.

    – Cais.

    Thread Starter Gergely Imreh


    Thanks for checking it out. I’m not considering moving to a new domain mapper plugin yet, as the NG by itself (all other plugins disabled) does already have this behaviour, and if another plugin corrects it, that’s more likely two broken things accidentally cancelling out.

    I’ll wait for the new version of the NG at this time.

    Let me know if I can be any more help with this issue, and thanks a lot!

    Hi, I’ve the same problems with WP and NG.
    So a solution will be great.



    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @andi – If you are not matching *all* of the OP criteria you might still consider starting your own topic on this issue.

    @imrehg – Thanks. We do appreciate all of your efforts to date as well … and I understand your ideas on not adding another plugin to the mix.

    – Cais.

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