The problem:-
When using sticky on a mobile and the user rotates the device, the screen size changes but the sticky still uses the original screen size.
The solution (that works for me):-
I modified (v2.2) sticky-menu-or-anything-on-scroll/assets/js/jq-sticky-anything.js
commenting out lines 150 – 153
widthSticky = viewport;
And set the plugin to debug mode. ??
I should minifiy and turn debug off, but I can wait for the official release.
You can see it working here: 3dairspace.org.uk
// widthSticky = $('.sticky-element-original').css('width');
// if(widthSticky == '0px') {
// widthSticky = ($('.sticky-element-original')[0].getBoundingClientRect().width);
// }
widthSticky = viewport;