I’ll push to GitHub as a beta later today (this is one of my many things to mess with today).
It’s because we’re detecting pages before we run the purge actually. We have to verify how far back to go and I cannot assume regex for all things (which is spendy on the cache end).
Please reconsider. In this case it is just 2 Purge requests (/blog/page/2/ and /blog/page/3/). In case of “/blog/page/[0-9]*” (better “/blog/page/[0-9]+”) it is an extremely easy to evaluate regex, this is definitely less than 1ms of CPU time on any hardware build after 2000. Also, this is only occurs whenever you really edit a page, that is very rarely.
Also I’m sure that nobody has ever complained about w3tc doing it this way.
Also keep in mind, this plugin is trying NOT to flush everything that might possibly be touched.
I am not talking about what be might possible be touched but what has definitely been touched. If you add a new post, you definitely have to purge “/blog/page/[0-9]+”
A cache page expires after a while anyway, if you configured Varnish right they should expire regularly. I think we set up the servers here to assume a page is stale after 5 minutes. Static files are much longer, but given the dynamism of sidebars and footers with feeds etc, we felt it a better balance.
I’d like to set it to 2 hours or more using Cache-Control headers. The only reason I cannot is that this plugin purges only 10 URLs (see above) when I should be actually 13 URLs (the 10 + “shop” + “/blog/page/2/” + “/blog/page/3/”).
In my case sidebars and footers are very static and only change every few months.
So it’s a real PAGE though and not something dynamically generated by Woo? Like you can edit the page in the page editor and everything?
Yes, I can edit it. It is just an empty page, see this screenshot from my local dev machine for illustration: https://storage4.static.itmages.com/i/15/0305/h_1425597044_5629649_2752f6e27b.png
If I write something in the text field this simply shows up above the Woo generated shop stuff.