I have posted to the problem already on the German site, but now I have some deeper insight into the problem. In WordPress 2.5.1 the code in wp-pass.php is
For IE 7 there is all correct, but in Firefox and 15 I still have problems. My daughter just mailed to me that they have no problems with Firefox. This way I found wp_get_referer() to return an empty string and hence the redirection is not performed. This is due to unused PHP predifined variables. The application of these variables, such as HPPT_REFERER, strongly depends on the browsers user agent. I have installed the User Agent Switcher, but none of the preinstalled agents are able to read the $_SERVER [‘HPPT_REFERER’] , as IE 7 is doing. This way I made changes to the code above to
$location = wp_get_referer();
if ( $location == '' )
$location = './';
wp_redirect($location, $status = 302);
Surely, his is another workaround, as the wp-pass.php may be used in quite another context.
Of course, this solution is applicable for users having access to the code. On my daughters wordpress.com blog the URL is afterwards password submit https://…/wp-pass.php . The page displayed is empty and white. I usually delete the wp-pass.php letters from the URL and this way get access to the protected page I wanted to see.
Hope some guys of WordPress may read the issue to resolve the problem.
Good luck in your case!