• My homepage consists of posts. I want a user to be able to click on the image and/or title of a post and be linked to a page.

    However, when I attempt to do this there is an interim step. Instead of linking to the page I desire, when clicked the post opens a new page of the original post.

    How can I prevent this from happening and get the posts to link to the pages I want them to.

    my site is madeleinecutrona.com

    Thank you!!

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  • Theme Author GavickPro



    Unfortunately linking post blocks to a custom page is impossible in this theme without custom changes which are beyond of our technical support.

    Thread Starter mcutrona


    Thanks! Alternatively, is it possible to prevent the post from opening in a new page. I’d like to be able to only have the posts on the homepage.


    Theme Author GavickPro


    It is the same situation – it needs a custom change in the theme code.

    Thread Starter mcutrona


    Okay, thank you again.

    I am wondering if it is possible to:

    1. Change the font color for the excerpts on a blog front page? Can I use CSS to do this? I am fine with the color when the posts open in a new page, just want to adjust the excerpt.


    2. Stop the white animated square and excerpt text from appearing over the images in the posts? I know it is possible to adjust the style of animation in customizer, but I am interested in removing the square all together.


    3. Is is possible for the featured image to only appear in the post and not on the page the post opens to. Even when I don’t add the image to my post, the featured image always appears. I would like it to only appear on the homepage (where my posts are located). Alternatively, is there a way to make it significantly smaller?

    Thank you

    Theme Author GavickPro


    1. Use the following selectors in your custom CSS code:

    .article-helper .entry-title > a // for the excerpt title
    .article-helper .entry-summary > a // for the excerpt text

    3. Please go to the theme customizer -> under “Post display” section please disable checkbox near “Show featured image”

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