First of all, I would open the All Documents page on the Admin panel. For each document there is a View option. Does selecting this for each document open the loaded file?
If it does not open from there, using the Edit option, it will open the details for that document. If you have previously created the document, loaded a file and saved the update I would expect to see a Revision Summary panel informing you of details about the document and a revision. If you see it there (It might be hidden, but can be explicitly opened with the screen options tab at the top right of the screen.)
If the Summary block is empty, try redownloading the file and update the document. Do you see it now in the Summary?
Hopefully you will be able to check that each document is available.
If you are getting an error, it would be useful to write down the message here.
The text in bold above is not a message that comes from the plugin. However you have have some code that takes the 404 error code and displays a standard page containing that text.
The 404 error can arise from several reasons including the link is wrong, there is no file loaded, or you don’t have access to it.
If you try loading a document that you know does not exist then you will generate a 404 error – and if it is the same as above then you have been getting that error form the plugin.
Moving on to the page for all documents.
How are you creating this page? Are you entering the links? Are you entering them individually, or are you using the shortcodes or their block equivalents?
When displaying the page, are you doing this having signed on as the user that loaded the documents? If you are displaying the page using public access, i.e. not logged on, then you can only access published documents. Any documents that have not been published will not be available to users who have not signed on.
Hope this gives some pointers to resolve this.
Neil James
Now i deleted all documents and recreated a document. It’s working fine now.