I checked “Link featured image to their respective page” for the Why Choose Us page.
Note that the setting “link featured image to their respective page” is a feature from the commercial theme you’re using, “Spacious Pro”.
It did display the page name and image on the Home page as expected. But:
– It’s full left. Any way to get it centered?
– Where did the text under the page name come from? I can’t find it anywhere.
Note, again, this is a feature from the theme you purchased. See the theme’s demo here: https://themegrilldemos.com/spacious-pro/. I’ve highlighted the area in question in the screenshot below.
As you can see, the theme expects three columns of stuff. And you’ve only filled in one column, that’s why it’s aligned to the left automagically. The second item will come to the center, and the third to the right.
You could FORCE the single item to the center with custom CSS code… but if you intend to add additional items later on, then I don’t recommend you messs with this now only to undo the change later (and potentially break something in the process).
As to the “Read More” text below the page name, that’s all from your theme… but I can’t tell you exactly where, as I don’t have access to the commercial theme you’re using.
If you need further help with this, I would recommend that you contact your theme’s vendor for support: https://themegrill.com/support/ – as questions about commercial products are not permitted here in the forum.