• Resolved dividedsci


    Hello, my theme has a responsive and static mode. I have it set to static mode, the page loads fully zoomed out, but it won’t let me pinch zoom in. With your plugin, I’m able to pinch zoom, but the only thing is that when the page first loads on my iPhone 4, it loads fully zoomed in to the top left of the page. Is there a way to prevent it from doing that and have it load fully zoomed out at first? Please let me know, thanks!


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  • Plugin Author Martin Stehle


    No, not by the plugin. I think it is a browser related issue.

    Thread Starter dividedsci


    I opened the site with Safari and Chrome, same problem occurs. But I think I have it working, I edited the viewport line in your plugin:

    function definitely_allow_mobile_zooming() {
    print ‘<meta name=”viewport” content=”width=1000″>’;
    print “\n”;
    add_action( ‘wp_head’, ‘definitely_allow_mobile_zooming’, 9999999 );

    So far this is working perfectly! It loads fully zoomed out and I can still pinch zoom in!

    Plugin Author Martin Stehle



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