Hi there,
I also ran into this problem a couple of day ago.
After taking a quick look into the database and export file I figured that the post meta field minimax_grid_settings is not getting updated when importing.
Or better said, it gets updated, but the value is empty.
plugins/page-layout-builder/includes/core.php on around line 476
So it seems that there no value sent via POST.
I didn’t really feel like spending too much time on this, so I quickfixed this with adding the grid settings to the export file and importing it via the export file. At first I thought it didn’t work, but then I remembered to save after importing >_<
So, it works for me!
I do not know if there are any negative consequences!
So I’ll share my dirty fix. Use it at your own risk.
– open the core.php (pluginfolder/includes/core.php)
– search for function ‘minimax_export_page_layout’
– go to line 431 and add the following BEFORE
$minimax_page['minimax_grid_settings'] = get_post_meta($post_id, "minimax_grid_settings", true);
so it looks like this
$minimax_page['minimax_grid_settings'] = get_post_meta($post_id, "minimax_grid_settings", true);
$data = serialize($minimax_page);
=> the export file will now hold the grid_settings information
– look for the function ‘minimax_import_layout_data’
– go to line 475 and change the line from this
to this
Hope this helps