• Resolved Matteo Morreale


    Hello, I’m having 2 different errors in my AMP pages, legacy theme.
    This is a page with errors, as you can see there’s an instagram embed but something isn’t working fine: https://www.napolike.it/festa-della-fragola-2024-a-parete-con-gigi-e-ross-e-gli-arteteca/amp

    In the code you can find two different declaration of the amp js, and the test does not pass with this error:

    The tag ‘amp-instagram v0.1 module extension script’ is present, but is excluded by the presence of the tag ‘amp-instagram 1.0’.

    The tag ‘amp-instagram v1.0 nomodule extension script’ is present, but is excluded by the presence of the tag ‘amp-instagram 0.1’.

    And then.. I’ve other 2 errors that I cannot understand.

    The tag ‘amp-instagram v1.0 module extension script’ is missing or incorrect, however it is required by ‘amp-instagram v1.0 nomodule extension script’.

    The tag ‘amp-instagram v0.1 nomodule extension script’ is missing or incorrect, however it is required by ‘amp-instagram v0.1 module extension script’.

    The embeds in posts are integrated with the html block.

    Any guess on how to fix that? Thank you!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Milind More


    Hello @thejaman

    Thanks for reaching out to us! We looked into your website’s AMP validation issue and found that your site might be using lazy loading for JavaScript. This seems to be affecting the Instagram component scripts, causing a validation error.

    Here’s the code snippet we identified on your site:

    <script async nomodule crossorigin="anonymous" custom-element="amp-instagram" data-type="lazy" data-src="https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0/amp-instagram-0.1.js"></script>

    For AMP pages, lazy loading is already built-in for optimal performance. To fix the validation error, you’ll need to remove the data-type="lazy" attribute and replace the data-src= to src=" and update the code to this:

    <script async nomodule crossorigin="anonymous" custom-element="amp-instagram" src="https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0/amp-instagram-0.1.js"></script>

    We recommend removing any lazy loading mechanisms for AMP pages as they’re not necessary.

    Please let us know if you have any questions or need further assistance!

    Thread Starter Matteo Morreale


    Thank you, that was an incompatibility with Flying scripts!

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