From your dashboard go to -> Appearances -> Menus. Click on “menus.” Then there will be three choices, Pages, Links, and Categories. If you click on pages it will show you the most used with an option to view all. If you click on the pages that you want to be linked to your menu they will appear to the right hand side in the menu part. You can drag and drop them in the order you want them to appear on your site. If it indents the menu item it’s creating a sub menu item. If you don’t want a sub-menu item just pull it towards the left and it will move it.
I’m not exactly sure that will help. The other thing that can be done is to go to each page in “edit” mode and at the top under the page title there will be a permalink. That permalink is the correct link to use in your menu. At that rate you could go back to Appearances -> Menus and then the second option “links” gives you a place to paste that permalink url and then use a word that will be what it’s called in the menu. Like “About,” if the page you are wanting to be linked to will be your about page.
If neither of those resolve your issue maybe send a link of your site and let me know which theme you are using. The first way I described is a much better way to go about things. The second way really applies to external links like if you wanted a link to completely separate website and so I don’t really recommend it.