• Resolved seinnichts


    I’m kind of new to WP but I’ve been developing for many years. The way WP segregates pages and posts is driving me crazy. I’m trying to get a main story on the HP with a 3-column grid beneath that that displays an excerpt (title, thumbnail, excerpt, button) of three other pages I select and in a particular order. Not post excerpts; page excerpts. I could statically build this into the main article but this would only confuse the client. Can I use PixGridder to add 3 columns beneath the main HP article and use a short code or some other method to get an ordered series of page excerpts to appear there? If it helps to know, I’m using a solostream theme called Prosper. Thank you.


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  • Plugin Author manuelmasia


    Ehm… honestly I didn’t understand. You can use PixGridder on pages only (the free version doesn’t allow to use it for posts, custom posts etc…). If with “Home page” you mean the Latest posts page, I’m sorry, but the latest posts page displays the posts only, nothing else.

    I don’t know the theme you are using, I’m sorry. I think that this question should be made to the theme developer… if I’ve understood what you mean correctly. Otherwise, excuse me.

    Manuel ??

    Thread Starter seinnichts


    Thanks for the quick reply.

    You’re right. I don’t want to display the latest posts.

    This site is mostly pages, not posts. So, on the homepage, instead of having a 3 column grid of the latest posts, I want to have a 3 column grid where each column would display an excerpt from one of the other pages.

    For instance I might have an Exhibits page, an Education page, a History page. Can I use Gridder to to place an excerpt of those pages so that each page takes up one column. The data would be pulled from those pages so that:

    • Column 1
    • Exhibits
    • Page Thumbnail
    • Page Excerpt
    • Link button
    • Column 2
    • Education
    • Page Thumbnail
    • Page Excerpt
    • Link button

    And so forth…

    Plugin Author manuelmasia


    I’m sorry, but what you are trying to achieve doesn’t depend on PixGridder. You can develop a shorcode to display what you need and put the shortcode in the PixGridder columns, something like:

    [seinnichtspage id=”2″]

    in one column

    [seinnichtspage id=”6″]

    in the second column, etc

    But all the works is made by the shortcode developed by you (or the theme you are using, if it comes with something like that).

    PixGridder simply splits the content of a page, nothing else.

    Manuel ??

    Plugin Author manuelmasia


    May I consider the topic solved?

    Thread Starter seinnichts


    Yes. Certainly. Finding the plugin very useful. Thanks.

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