I don’t know why, but I don’t receive the notifications for this topic… sorry!
I’ve investigated a bit the situation and the problem is that when the code strips the shortcodes from the content, it will strip everything if it’s inside an open shortcode.
so by instance this:
[shortcode]Some content here that will be rendered in some custom way[/shortcode]
would result in nothing to show…
Visual page builders usually works printing out sets of shortcodes, with visual composer by instance you can switch to classic editor and you’ll see how the content actually look.
in any case, I’ve updated the plugin and changed the code so that if it’s not able to build a valid custom excerpt starting from the content, it will look for the actual wp excerpt.
That obviously would work only for post types which actually have the support for excerpt.
about this matter, be aware that you must fire the add_post_type_support() from within a function hooked to init. this is the complete and correct snippet that you need in your functions.php
function wpcodex_add_excerpt_support_for_pages() {
add_post_type_support( 'page', 'excerpt' );
add_action( 'init', 'wpcodex_add_excerpt_support_for_pages' );
let me know if this will fix your problem.