• Hey,

    I use Event Calendar, Version 3.2.0 By Alex Tingle
    When i activate it, my pages dissaperas..?? How come? What can i do to fix it?

    When i go to the page settings, i can see that i totally have (6) pages, but they dont show, and when i look at my webpage https://www.gxinternational.com/welcome/about-us/ it comes with the error Error 404 – Not Found ..

    But when it not is activated everything works fine.

    Anybody that can help me,.?

    Thank you!!

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  • dacerbear


    Same problem here !

    I’v added 2 events at first and everything was ok, but when I’ve added the third, all my pages got Error 404.

    Deleting the event doesn’t solve the problem, I had to deactivate the plugin.



    Changing the category’s name causes crash : “the entire plugin depends on the cat name “Events” to function”


    My webhost updated php to version 5.3.3 at which time your error appeared on my sites. It was working fine until that update.

    They sent me a note saying that ec3 uses deprecated code.

    If I was a better programmer, I think I could figure it out.

    Is anyone reading this good enough to figure it out? I miss having a working ec3 – it was great when it worked!



    Rather than using he Beta, go back to Version 3.1.4. If the problem goes away its the Beta. Found issues with the beta and have stuck with what works but the Beta does have some features. I just can not duplicate the issues you describe so I could fix the code.

    Problem doesn’t go away with 3.1.4. That’s what I’ve been using, and that’s why I’m here looking for a solution.

    I see this is an old post, but I have the same problem. And also think it is related to the php version. I recently moved a WP install to another server and then Event Calendar stopped working.

    What can I do to fix it? Do they/he still maintain it?

    I managed to fix it! All praise to Chris Janton for the fix. I sent a mail to the EC3 mailing list and quickly got a great anwser.

    You can find it all here over at the mailing list archive: https://penguin.firetree.net/pipermail/eventcalendar/2011-January/006360.html.
    But I’ll save you the trouble and just tell you what I did.
    You’ll need to edit the eventcalendar3.php. Just go to the plugins list and find Event Calendar in the list and got the link that says edit.
    The code in the text area on the page you arrive at will most likely be eventcalendar3.php.

    What you need to do is to remove the ampersand from the argument in the function definitions.
    Basically make this line:
    function ec3_filter_getarchives_where(&$where)
    look like this:
    function ec3_filter_getarchives_where($where)

    See? No & sign. That’s how we want it. Just remove every ampersand from the argument in the function definitions not other places. It will look very much like the example above. I just searched for the ampersand symbol (&). Its actually pretty easy. ??

    This fixed my problem. Again, props to Chris Janton for the help! I hope it will help some others as well. =)

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