Thanks for reaching out. When you implement AdSense on your site whether manually or via Site Kit the AdSense algorithms will determine the position and placement of Auto ads on your site.
Depending on some theme setups or styling ads may appear misformatted in some cases, I suspect this is the case with your site, the issue could be styling related or even third party plugin related
While there are no options within SK to control the position of ads users can restrict ads from particular positions from AdSense directly.
Another option which I’d be happy to check with you is to use the Health Check and Troubleshooting plugin, while following the steps below. This will switch to a core WordPress theme for you only, as a logged in user. I’m curious to then know if you find strange blank spaces, I suspect not.
- Install and activate the Health Check & Troubleshooting plugin.
- Navigate to “Plugins > Health Check & Troubleshooting > Troubleshoot”.
- From the same screen click on the “Available Plugins” tab at the top right and then click on the “Enable” option next to “Site Kit by Google”
- View the ads on your site once more (don’t be alarmed with the temporarily switch to a different theme)
Let me know how you get on after the above check.