Page Builder issue? Can not post.
Ok, this may be a bit lengthy and I apologize. I cannot figure out for the life of me what to do.
Here is what has happened since last night at midnight.
Will try to keep this long story short.
Last night I had some speed issues with my wordpress. Decided to try and speed up my site. Soon as I touched something in the Cloudflare plugin my site went down.
I contacted blue host for help. They couldn’t resolve my issue so I asked them to back up my site from a restore from May 18th. Upon waking up I still had no website.I contacted someone in support from Cloudflare as initially that is the plugin I touched and immediately my site went down. I had someone tell me to set Always Use HTTPS should be on, Automatic HTTPS rewrites should also be on (EDIT) Removed link for Flexible SSL plugin. After I did this I got my site back up online but I still cannot edit or make another post. He also told me to do this Force HTTPS (SSL Redirect & Fix Insecure Content) Redirects all HTTP requests to the HTTPS version and fixes all insecure static resources without altering the database (also works with CloudFlare).
At this point my site is up and working but I cannot type a new post, I can click on add new post but the box to type in is blank, I cannot click inside to type anything. Tech support told me this is a page builder issue and they cannot help with it.
So far I have Deleted all caches with WP Cache
I have deleted caches with W3 Total Cache, I have used WP Sweep to clean up files, I have used WP Fastest CacheI have deactivated all plugins one by one, emptied caches and checked to see if I could post after each deactivation and still nothing.
I am also getting a jetpack error that I discovered when deactivating and activating.
Jetpack error – Error updating settings. FetchNetworkErrorThese are my plugins I have currently and all are activated now.
BJ Lazy Load
Cache Enabler
Disqus for WordPress
Do Follow
Easy Profile Widget
EWWW Image Optimizer
EZ InLinkz linkup
Google Analytics Dashboard for WP (GADWP)
Insert Headers and Footers
JCH Optimize
Jetpack by
Leverage Browser Caching
LH Archived Post Status
Menu Image
Post Expirator
Redirect 404 Error Page to Homepage or Custom Page
Remove Query Strings From Static Resources
UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore
W3 Total Cache
WP Fastest Cache
Yoast SEOCan anyone help? I am going nuts lol
Thanks in advance.
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